DOI :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.087   IUP :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.087    Full Text (PDF)

A proposal on the watershed based investigation and management of Turkish air quality

Nuriye Garipağaoğlu

Today, local, regional and global problems are widespread due to air pollution. In Turkey air quality was deteriorated in many cities, especially in the cold period (October-March) because of intense urbanization and industrialization, wrong site selection, motor vehicles, poor quality fuel usage. Air pollution caused by human factors has been felt in high concentrations within a certain period of time supported by natural environment conditions. Consideration of air quality in the watershed scale in Turkey, is a necessity in terms of modeling of pollutant source and to protect the ecosystem. Although the watersheds are divided into many different groups according to their natural characteristics and intended use, those whose boundaries are determined by natural criteria form have a sharper image. Free from administrative, political or economic distinctions; The watersheds, which are completely limited by natural conditions (geological-geomorphological-hydrological), are suitable units for the protection of natural resources and sustainable planning. In this sense, watershed scale is more realistic in the management of natural resources. Considering the presence in Turkey of land, watershed management and system work is of major importance. In this study, temporal and spatial variation of air quality in the watershed scale is investigated due to sulfur dioxide (SO2) and particulate matter (PM10). The effects and distributions of these data on air quality were evaluated with maps produced with the help of geographical information systems. Pollutant values of the watershed were compared with “ Winter Season Limit Values and European Union-Turkey Limit Values in Dated 06.06.2008 and numbered 26 898 Air Quality Assessment and Management Regulations” The results achieved in this study will give an idea about the temporal and spatial variation of air quality in the watershed of Turkey. In addition, within the scope of watershed management, in the process of directing and organizing the use of natural resources; It will contribute to the consideration of air quality and the maintenance of modeling and protection activities at the watershed scale.


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