DOI :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.072   IUP :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.072    Full Text (PDF)

An examination of paleoclimatic changes in Gâvur Lake (Kahramanmaras) during the last 6000 years using geochemical indicators

Muhammet TopuzMurat Karabulut

Marine and lacustrine sediments contain geochemical indicators with paleo-environmental records. Paleo-environmental changes can be defined by using XRF scanning. The aim of this study is to investigate the paleo-environmental changes in the Gâvur Lake and its vicinity during the last 6000 years by using XRF scanning to the bottom sediments of lake. In the study, 11 samples were taken from the deepest point of the dried lake with the help of semi disturbed sediment sampling at a depth of 5m and a resolution of 50 cm. In addition, the age depth curve was created by using 2 radiocarbon dating results. Thus, the occurrence dates of the changes were determined. Considering the fact that resolution is 50 cm, the general comment that can be taken for the lake towards the surface from the geochemical proxies in accordance with the literature is that: After a rainy period between 5.m and 4.m, there was a gradual drought up to 2.5m and a maximum dry period at 2.5m. It was a wet period between 2.5m and 1.m, and the second period with maximum precipitation was not effective as see at first one. Geochemical indicators characterize a period of 50 cm in arid conditions and indicate a relatively wet period up to the surface.


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