DOI :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.042   IUP :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.042    Full Text (PDF)

An example of traditional rural residential architecture in Artvin province: wooden masonry houses

Fatih OrhanSerhat ZamanAhmet Çavuş

Dwellings are among the most important reflections of the geographical characteristics and culture of a region. Indeed, both building material choice and the principles of the manner in which those materials are brought together are the result of geographical opportunities and cultural accumulation. Artvin, located within the borders of the Eastern Black Sea Department, is influenced by a humid Black Sea climate and forests constituting the largest natural flora group. Wood, therefore, is the most common building material used in residential construction. In some parts of the province, there are dwellings that use wood as the only building material. In these dwellings, wooden logs are stacked on top of each other in processed or semi-processed shapes. The most important step in this method, known as wood masonry/piling, is the process of attaching wooden materials to each other from the corners. The defining feature of these dwellings is the interlocking of wood using notches and grooves but not nails. Wooden masonry dwellings struggle to survive both migration from rural areas and the introduction of new construction materials and techniques. However, these dwellings are important components of the region’s cultural heritage. In this context, it is highly important to protect them so that their legacy can be left to future generations. One of the most rational ways of achieving this would be to transform these dwellings into both tourist attractions and tourist accommodation. This study, was aimed at contributing to the formation of awareness about the importance of these rural dwellings and their conservation, as well as at contributing to tourism development planning at the local family administration and management levels.


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