DOI :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.092   IUP :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.092    Full Text (PDF)

Assessment of the importance of Mogan and Eymir lakes ecosystem services for the city of Ankara

Özlem UğurluMehmet Somuncu

The wetlands, which have a direct and indirect impact on a comprehensive region starting from the local area, are among the rich and productive ecosystems of the earth with their biodiversity, natural functions, economic and cultural values. The city of Ankara in Gölbaşı Special Environmental Protection Area (SEPA) remaining in Mogan and Eymir lake in a metropolitan area of fauna-flora and habitat characteristics, qualitative (biodiversity, naturalness, rareness, sensitivity, elements) and natural values socio-economic values of ecosystem services in terms of importance to the city of Ankara to offer, it is known that a critical region that must be protected. The aim of the research is to determine the importance of Mogan and Eymir lakes as wetland ecosystem for the city of Ankara and evaluate the ecosystem services that this protected area provides for the population living in Ankara. In order to achieve the research objectives, mixed research method was used in the study. For the purpose of the research, a survey was applied to a sample group that would represent the city. Participatory observations were made at the research site to observe the elements that might support the research findings. Previous research on wetland ecosystem service values and Mogan-Eymir Lakes has been studied on ongoing projects. As a result of this assessment, it was evaluated why Mogan and Eymir lakes are important for Ankara city as a wetland ecosystem. The producers, regulators and cultural services offered by the lakes to visitors of the area, especially in the city of Ankara, have been identified. In addition, the research also analyzed the possible effects of urban development around the lake on the area in response to the ecosystem services offered by the lakes to the urbanites.


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