DOI :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.002   IUP :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.002    Full Text (PDF)

From agricultural land to recreational areas: Iğdır Vali Yolu Street

Adem YuluKaan Kapan

Agricultural lands are perhaps the primary areas on earth that have seen the most significant change. Urbanization of agricultural lands has long been observed in Iğdır Plain (particularly in the city center, in the northern part of the plain), as in many areas in Turkey. However, as opposed to the past, since the beginning of the 21st century, change and transformation of the fertile agricultural land in Iğdır Plain have gone beyond expectations. This study examines the transformation of Vali Yolu Street (and its surroundings) from an agricultural land to a recreational area, as an example for changes in land use in Iğdır Plain, using satellite imagery. The settlement in the area (especially near Vali Konağı) began with single-story detached houses and their gardens, built in the 1990s, especially after migrations from Iğdır’s countryside. This settlement process, which began with detached houses, continued with the construction of multi-story buildings. The ground floors of these new buildings became urban recreational areas in the 2000s. Satellite images with different resolutions chosen from the images taken by Landsat 4 in 1989 and Sentinel 2 in 2018 were used for this study. Changes in land use can be observed in these images. In 1989, agricultural lands constituted 78 percent of the region in the satellite images. However, these lands have undergone rapid replacement by urban lands, owing to the fact that this region began feeling significant pressure regarding reconstruction beginning in the 2000s. Hence, while analyzing the 2018 satellite images, the rate of urban land use is observed to have increased to reach approximately 80 percent of the region. 


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