DOI :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.082   IUP :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.082    Full Text (PDF)

Gölhisar Lake and the ecological problems with regard to Its environmental features

Neslihan Dal

Being among the sensitive ecosystems, wetlands are areas with significant ecological and socio-cultural resources and are exposed to intensive utilization. Due to the uncontrolled exploitation of wetlands and disregarding the balance between preservation and utilization, deteriorations can be occurred in ecosystems. One of the areas where such degradations have been experienced, is the wetland area of the Gölhisar Lake, which is located on the BurdurFethiye fault zone trending NE-SW in the Western Mediterranean Basin, southwest of the Lakes Region. Gölhisar Lake has a rich habitat in terms of flora and fauna. However, the decrease of the lake surface as a result of the plant infestation, increase in agricultural activities around the area and changes observed on the water level have been damaged the ecological balance. The aim of this study is to examine the ecosystem characteristics of the lake and to suggest solutions for the sustainable use and management of natural resources. Within this scope, ArcGIS 10.4 programme has been used for gathering and evaluating geographical data of the lake area and current problems have been identified by field observations. Unplanned water and land use made in and around the lake area with different demands and practices appears as the primary concern for the future of the lake and it has been revealed that the surface of the lake is about to dry and ecosystems in the lake and it circles have been negatively affected. 


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