DOI :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.025   IUP :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.025    Full Text (PDF)

Importance of independence road in terms of cultural geography and cultural heritage tourism (Samsun, Turkey)

Cevdet Yılmaz

In this research, these studies were conducted to remember May 19, 1919, and revitalize the road used by Mustafa Kemal and his friends on the way to independence. It is emphasized that the part of the route of Kurtuluş Road within the boundaries of Samsun has importance in terms of cultural and memorial tourism. The determination, promotion, and protection of historical events and places the group passed through are essential for the protection and continuity of national unity and integrity. To date, such places, supervised under the framework of cultural geography and cultural heritage tourism, should be accessible to visitors and their sustainability ensured. This initiative is of great importance not only for adults but also for children and young people to inculcate their love for their homeland and nation. The young generation deserves to be aware of the national struggle and to witness the early days of the Republic of Turkey and the difficulties encountered leading to its foundation. In this sense, the route along Samsun and the Kurtuluş Road, which extends from Samsun to Amasya, must be evaluated in terms of cultural tourism. Significant studies have been conducted in relation to a part of the Kurtuluş Road within the boundaries of Samsun province with contributions from academicians of Mayıs University under the leadership of the Samsun Metropolitan Municipality. From the Samsun İlkadım pier to the province of the Amasya border, Mustafa Kemal and his peers exerted effort to protect the remainder of the route. Several restorations were made, and information signs were erected. Finally, this route was prepared for visits, and photographs were taken to promote cultural and memorial tourism.


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