DOI :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.077   IUP :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.077    Full Text (PDF)

Turkey’s role in the world natural gas trade and natural gas geopolitics

Mustafa MutluerAtalay Onur Mutluer

Main objective in this body of work is to show how Turkey can be ready for the changes and progress in the energy politics and describe potential geopolitic risk factors of natural gas trade as Turkey’s energy production is not adequate and mostly depend on outsource. In this frame, national and international sources have been taken reference. To describe the place and role of Turkey in the global natural gas trade, firstly world gas trade data is stated; after that, with perspective of Turkey’s current natural gas status, Turkey’s role in the global trade assessed and Turkey’s potential problems/geopolitical risk factors in coming years are discussed. 


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