DOI :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.055   IUP :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.055    Full Text (PDF)

Using GIS technology and remote sensing to monitor the temporal changes in quarries between Karamanlı and Burdur

İsmail Ege

The area of interest in this study is the mountainous area between the Karamanlı-Yeşilova and Kozluca settlements in the southwest of Burdur province in the Antalya subregion of the Mediterranean region of Turkey. This area is also located tectonically in the congestion zone known as the Isparta-Afyon joint belt, which forms the collision zone of the Anatolian plate and African plate. In this area, there are many varieties of limestone without any cracks from the Mesozoic era, making it a bustling region for marble-quarrying. In this study, the temporal changes in quarries were investigated over two years using Landsat-5 TM, Landsat-7 TM, and Landsat-8 TM images taken during 1998–2018. Herein, the ArcMap 10.5 package program with both GIS and remotesensing functions was used. By controlled classification, areas of quarrying, forests, agricultural areas, and water bodies were distinguished. There were no quarries in the area before 1998, whereas in 2018, the area covered by quarries was 15,383,075.43 m2. The number of quarries in this area is rapidly increasing, constituting 8% of the study area. Limestone quarrying has caused major environmental problems, thereby degrading the ecosystem.. This study aims to approach the problem from a geographical perspective and provide suggestions to reduce the environmental impact of limestone quarrying.


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