DOI :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.073   IUP :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.073    Full Text (PDF)

Vegetation changes based on fossil pollen analysıs in Gâvur Lake (Kahramanmaras) And its vicinity

Muhammet TopuzNurgül Karlıoğlu KılıçMurat Karabulut

The Gâvur Lake is located at the northernmost of the wetlands in the Rift Valley. Although the lake can reach a surface area of 25 km2 in spring completely dry in summer. The dominant species of vegetation cover the plants belonging to Mediterranean Phytogeography. Hygrophytes of grassy species are dense at the base of the lake, whereas xerophytes are dominant in the east and south of the basin. With this study; fossil pollen analysis of the bottom sediments of the lake is aimed to reveal the vegetation changes occurring in the last 6000 years around the lake. The fossil pollen analysis was carried out according to the “classical method“ 10 at a resolution of 10 cm on the core taken from the depth of 5 m of the lake. In addition, the radiocarbon dating of the two sediment samples was performed and the wet depth curve was formed. Thus, the dates of occurrence of vegetation changes were determined. As a result of pollen analysis; at a depth of 5 m, fossil pollen from the plants of the genus Pinus, Cedrus and Quercus is predominant.


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