DOI :10.26650/B/SS05.2020.002.03   IUP :10.26650/B/SS05.2020.002.03    Full Text (PDF)

Entrepreneurial Marketing

John Spıllan

Entrepreneurial Marketing (EM) has become a critical subset of the Marketing discipline. This chapter presents a comprehensive overview of EM, focusing on some of the most popular areas where EM is applied. This chapter provides an in-depth examination of how the attributes of entrepreneurial marketing are, in many cases, more effective in reaching customers and satisfying their needs. Entrepreneurs are an essential part of the global economy. Their contribution to business development, both domestically and globally, fuels the engines of economic growth and offers opportunities for large sectors of the world’s population. Entrepreneurial marketing is a critical part of entrepreneurship that focuses on the customer as the fundamental driver of entrepreneurial success. As such, entrepreneurial marketers should not underestimate the importance of gathering customer insight to get new ideas, new products, and innovative processes. Acquiring market information from a broad range of customer networks gives the EM marketers a unique perspective on the actual fundamental customer desires. Entrepreneurial marketing is part of a variety of settings, such as global markets, non-profit organizations, and social media outlets. While the importance of entrepreneurial marketing is significant, it is not a discipline in itself but rather an innovative approach to modern marketing.


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