DOI :10.26650/B/SS07.2021.002.11   IUP :10.26650/B/SS07.2021.002.11    Full Text (PDF)

Media Sociology Under Digital Siege

Necla Odyakmaz AcarŞebnem Çağlar

Media sociology is an effort to reveal the micro and macro effects that changes and transformations in the structure of the media cause on the social structure. Media sociology, which focuses on the products and consumers of printed or digital media and tries to identify and solve the problems that arise in the relationship between the media and society with a sociological approach, utilizes both cultural studies and critical theory as well as system theory. Media sociology studies, which have become an important sub-branch of sociology today, have saved the media from being a dependent variable and enabled it to be recognized as an independent institution on its own. Since it was accepted that “life is digital” in the 21st century, the center of media sociology studies shifted to digital technologies and the digital society created by using these technologies. This study aims to reveal the definition of media sociology, its scope, studies that can be conducted in this field, and the concepts and theories that can be employed in these studies. Our study, which aims to fill the deficiency of comprehensive research in the field of media sociology, is based on the literature review as its method. We assume that our study, which explores the approaches and discussions that can be a guide in media sociology studies by compiling them from a certain perspective, will make an important contribution to the literature.


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