DOI :10.26650/B/SS07.2020.013.06   IUP :10.26650/B/SS07.2020.013.06    Full Text (PDF)

Digital Transformation in Education: Hungary Versus Turkey

Tamás BokorHuriye Toker

This study compares the digital transformation process of education in Hungary and Turkey. By analysing the existing statistical databases in digital education, digital skills and media literacy, a comparative framework is created between the two countries, highlighting the main differences between the two educational systems in terms of transformation of digital education with the aim of attracting policy makers to create a better environment. A systematic analysis of the public records, policy briefs, and policy manuals of the two countries shows that education and training must adapt by focusing on cooperation and individualised learning at the same time. This offers a deep applied analysis of relevant factors in each of the countries, and offers to inform policy makers as they seek to improve educational performances, experiences and outcomes.


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