DOI :10.26650/B/SS30.2020.004.04   IUP :10.26650/B/SS30.2020.004.04    Full Text (PDF)

Developmentalism and Rural Sociology: the Ideological Reconstruction of Academic Knowledge in the Early Cold War Period in Turkey

Sinan Yıldırmaz

The focus of this study is on the “making” of the ultra-conservative intellectual dominance in Turkish rural sociology discipline. Discussions among intellectuals, the anti-communist “nature” of this academic field, the foundation of a new developmentalist perspective and how these sociology studies re-defined peasantry and the rural structure of the country in general will be discussed in this study. The change from the previously dominant Kemalist “peasantist” approach to a “new-peasantism”, which was transcribed for the changing Cold War conditions, will also be examined in this article. The ideological framework of defining developmentalism in the 1960s would be influenced from the dominance that had been created during the post-war period of intellectual discussions.


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