Research Article

DOI :10.26650/CONNECTIST2021-811031   IUP :10.26650/CONNECTIST2021-811031    Full Text (PDF)

Inter-Media Agenda Setting between Twitter and News-Websites: A Case Study of The Turkish President’s Visit to Pakistan

Abdul Rehman QaisarSaqib Riaz

The current study analyzes Inter-Media agenda setting between Twitter and Newspaper websites in the political sphere. As a data collection method, keyword searches were used. Lexis-Nexis was used to collect data from newspaper websites, while Twitter APIs were used to collect data from social media. The study’s goal is to put inter-media agenda-setting to the test by using a one-day time lag between Twitter and newspaper websites. The cross-lagged correlation and Rozelle-Campbell baseline are used to assess the significance of Twitter agenda influence on the contents of newspaper websites. Overall, the results show that there is synchronization between Twitter and newspaper websites when it comes to political coverage (Express Tribune r=0.843, The Nation r=0.734, and The News International r=0.828). These shards of evidence support the research study’s hypothesis: “It is more likely that there is a bi-directional agenda setting sequence in the case of Pakistani political issues between social media and newspaper websites.” It also suggests that social media and traditional media are becoming more integrated. According to the study, Twitter was also used to create a priming effect by activating “Ottoman Empire” nostalgia. In light of the study’s findings, the integrated Inter-Media agenda setting model is proposed. This model integrates the agenda creation and accumulation processes.

DOI :10.26650/CONNECTIST2021-811031   IUP :10.26650/CONNECTIST2021-811031    Full Text (PDF)

Twitter ve Haber Siteleri Arasındaki Etkileşimi İnceleyen Bir Gündem Belirleme Çalışması: Cumhurbaşkanının Pakistan Ziyareti

Abdul Rehman QaisarSaqib Riaz

Bu çalışma, siyasi alanda Twitter ve gazete web siteleri arasındaki etkileşimi analiz etmektedir. Gazete web sitelerinden veri toplamak için Lexis-Nexis, sosyal medyadan veri toplamak için ise Twitter API›leri kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın amacı, Twitter ve gazete web siteleri arasındaki bir günlük gecikmeyi kullanarak medyalar arası gündem belirlemeyi teste tabi tutmaktır. Çapraz gecikmeli korelasyon ve Rozelle-Campbell taban çizgisi, Twitter gündeminin gazete web sitelerinin içeriği üzerindeki etkisinin önemini değerlendirmek için kullanılmıştır. Genel olarak, sonuçlar, konu siyasi içerik olduğunda Twitter ve gazete web siteleri arasında bir senkronizasyon olduğunu göstermektedir (Express Tribune r=0.843, The Nation r=0.734 ve The News International r=0.828). Ayrıca sosyal medya ve gazete web siteleri arasında iki yönlü bir gündem belirleme diziliminin daha olası olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Çalışma aynı zamanda sosyal medya ve geleneksel medyanın giderek daha entegre bir hale geldiğini göstermektedir. Araştırmaya göre Twitter, “Osmanlı İmparatorluğu” nostaljisini harekete geçirerek etki yaratmak için de kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın bulguları ışığında, gündem oluşturma ve biriktirme süreçlerini bütünleştiren bir model önerisinde bulunulmuştur.

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Qaisar, A.R., & Riaz, S. (2021). Inter-Media Agenda Setting between Twitter and News-Websites: A Case Study of The Turkish President’s Visit to Pakistan. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences, 0(61), 187-211.


Qaisar A R, Riaz S. Inter-Media Agenda Setting between Twitter and News-Websites: A Case Study of The Turkish President’s Visit to Pakistan. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences. 2021;0(61):187-211.


Qaisar, A.R.; Riaz, S. Inter-Media Agenda Setting between Twitter and News-Websites: A Case Study of The Turkish President’s Visit to Pakistan. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 61, p. 187-211, 2021.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Qaisar, Abdul Rehman, and Saqib Riaz. 2021. “Inter-Media Agenda Setting between Twitter and News-Websites: A Case Study of The Turkish President’s Visit to Pakistan.” Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences 0, no. 61: 187-211.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Qaisar, Abdul Rehman, and Saqib Riaz. Inter-Media Agenda Setting between Twitter and News-Websites: A Case Study of The Turkish President’s Visit to Pakistan.” Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences 0, no. 61 (Apr. 2024): 187-211.

Harvard: Australian Style

Qaisar, AR & Riaz, S 2021, 'Inter-Media Agenda Setting between Twitter and News-Websites: A Case Study of The Turkish President’s Visit to Pakistan', Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences, vol. 0, no. 61, pp. 187-211, viewed 16 Apr. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Qaisar, A.R. and Riaz, S. (2021) ‘Inter-Media Agenda Setting between Twitter and News-Websites: A Case Study of The Turkish President’s Visit to Pakistan’, Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences, 0(61), pp. 187-211. (16 Apr. 2024).


Qaisar, Abdul Rehman, and Saqib Riaz. Inter-Media Agenda Setting between Twitter and News-Websites: A Case Study of The Turkish President’s Visit to Pakistan.” Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences, vol. 0, no. 61, 2021, pp. 187-211. [Database Container],


Qaisar AR, Riaz S. Inter-Media Agenda Setting between Twitter and News-Websites: A Case Study of The Turkish President’s Visit to Pakistan. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences [Internet]. 16 Apr. 2024 [cited 16 Apr. 2024];0(61):187-211. Available from: doi: 10.26650/CONNECTIST2021-811031


Qaisar, AbdulRehman - Riaz, Saqib. Inter-Media Agenda Setting between Twitter and News-Websites: A Case Study of The Turkish President’s Visit to Pakistan”. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences 0/61 (Apr. 2024): 187-211.


Published Online31.12.2021


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