Research Article

DOI :10.26650/arcp2018-596519   IUP :10.26650/arcp2018-596519    Full Text (PDF)

Competing Paradigms: On the Reception of German Philosophy at Istanbul University

Pascale Roure

The aim of this article is to analyze the reception of German philosophy at Istanbul University in the context of the academic relations between Germany and Turkey. These complex relations should not just be restricted to the presence of exiled German scholars in 1930s Istanbul. They must be reassessed in light of a broader political transfer of knowledge. The 1920s German philosophy paradigms that stood against the neo-Kantian tradition were used in Turkey in order to lay the foundations of a national and secularized academic philosophy. With the nomination of several associate professors trained in Germany in the 1930s, Nicolai Hartmann’s “new ontology” as well as philosophical anthropology became the most discussed philosophical paradigms at Istanbul University. They were perceived as a substitute for certain conceptions of philosophy which were deemed traditional, as well as an alternative to the paradigms endorsed in 1930s Istanbul by exiled philosophers, such as logical empiricism. This influence of Hartmann’s ontology and anthropologic theories continued to grow after the Second World War until the 1960s, with the arrival of German professors who contributed to the training of the next generation of Turkish associate professors. What role did that largely institutionalized reception of German philosophy play in the linguistic and theoretical reorganization of Turkish academic philosophy? How were those different paradigms used in the discourse on modernity and how did they come to replace the devaluated traditional conceptions of philosophy?

DOI :10.26650/arcp2018-596519   IUP :10.26650/arcp2018-596519    Full Text (PDF)

Rakip Paradigmalar: Alman Felsefesinin İstanbul Üniversitesi'ne Girişi

Pascale Roure

Bu makalenin amacı, Almanya ile Türkiye arasındaki akademik ilişkiler çerçevesinde, Alman felsefesinin İstanbul Üniversitesi'ne girişini incelemektir. Bu karmaşık süreç, Almanya'dan sürgün edilen profesörlerin 1930'lu yıllarda Türkiye'de bulunmalarıyla sınırlı olmayıp siyasi ve uzun süreli bir bilgi aktarımı perspektifinden değerlendirilmeyi gerekli kılmaktadır. Yeni-kantçı gelenek karşısındaki eleştirel tartışmayla 1920'li yıllarda gelişen Alman felsefesinin rakip paradigmaları, Türkiye'de ulusal ve sekülerleştirilmiş bir akademik felsefenin yeniden tanzimi için kullanılmıştır. İstanbul Felsefe Bölümü'nde sürgündeki profesörlerin temsil ettiği mantıksal ampirizm ve eleştirel pozitivizme paralel olarak, reformdan sonra ilk doktoralı doçentlerinin de hocaları olan Rothacker'in kültürel antropolojisi ile Hartmann'ın yeni ontolojisi de giderek artan bir ilginin konusu olmuştur. Alman felsefesinin bu etkisi, savaş sonrasında ontoloji ve felsefî antropolojiyi temsil eden Alman hocaların da İstanbul'a gelmesiyle 1960'lı yıllara kadar iyice yoğunlaştı ve ikinci kuşak doçentlerin formasyonuna katkıda bulundu. Ontoloji ve felsefî antropoloji hem geleneksel felsefî anlayışların bir ikamesi hem de İstanbul’da sürgündeki felsefecilerin desteledikleri paradigmalara -mantıksal ampirizm gibibir alternatifti. Alman felsefesinin söz konusu kurumsal olarak girişinin, Türkiye'de akademik felsefenin teorik ve lengüistik yeniden tanziminde oynadığı rol nedir? Bu farklı paradigmalar nasıl modernite söylemi içinde kullanıldı ve nasıl, geleneksel, metafizik ya da İslami denen kıymetten düşmüş felsefe kavramlarının yerini aldı?

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Roure, P. (0001). Competing Paradigms: On the Reception of German Philosophy at Istanbul University. Archives of Philosophy, 0(49), 37-51.


Roure P. Competing Paradigms: On the Reception of German Philosophy at Istanbul University. Archives of Philosophy. 0001;0(49):37-51.


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Roure, Pascale,. 0001. “Competing Paradigms: On the Reception of German Philosophy at Istanbul University.” Archives of Philosophy 0, no. 49: 37-51.

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Roure, Pascale,. Competing Paradigms: On the Reception of German Philosophy at Istanbul University.” Archives of Philosophy 0, no. 49 (Feb. 2025): 37-51.

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Roure, P 0001, 'Competing Paradigms: On the Reception of German Philosophy at Istanbul University', Archives of Philosophy, vol. 0, no. 49, pp. 37-51, viewed 5 Feb. 2025,

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Roure, P. (0001) ‘Competing Paradigms: On the Reception of German Philosophy at Istanbul University’, Archives of Philosophy, 0(49), pp. 37-51. (5 Feb. 2025).


Roure, Pascale,. Competing Paradigms: On the Reception of German Philosophy at Istanbul University.” Archives of Philosophy, vol. 0, no. 49, 0001, pp. 37-51. [Database Container],


Roure P. Competing Paradigms: On the Reception of German Philosophy at Istanbul University. Archives of Philosophy [Internet]. 5 Feb. 2025 [cited 5 Feb. 2025];0(49):37-51. Available from: doi: 10.26650/arcp2018-596519


Roure, Pascale. Competing Paradigms: On the Reception of German Philosophy at Istanbul University”. Archives of Philosophy 0/49 (Feb. 2025): 37-51.


Last Revision20.08.2018


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