The preparations have started for the 33rd issue of Sanat Tarihi Yıllığı (Journal of Art History), a periodical of İstanbul University’s Faculty of Letters, which is published in June and indexed in  ULAKBİM TR Dizin, Web of Science – Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), SCOPUS, DOAJ, EBSCO, SOBIAD and ERIHPLUS. You can reach us by submitting your articles that were not published anywhere, with original content and prepared according to our journal’s conditions of acceptance and publication principles to Dergipark’s online application system until January 1, 2024.


IMPORTANT REMINDER: Articles must be submitted online via, which is accessed through
The following must be attached to the system during applications: cover page that specifies the type of the article with its details, Microsoft Word document that contains the electronic form of the article, and signed copyright agreement form by all writers.

Thank you for your interest and contribution.

We wish you healthy days.

The Editorial Management Board of the Journal of Art History


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