Original Research

DOI :10.17096/jiufd.60136   IUP :10.17096/jiufd.60136    Full Text (PDF)


Safa TuncerNeslihan TekçeDial PashaevMustafa DemirciCanan Baydemir

Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the micro tensile bond strength of a self-etch adhesive system following 1 year storage in water. Materials and Methods: 10 sound human molar teeth were used for micro tensile bond strength test. Twostep self-etch dentin adhesive (Clearfil SE Bond®) was applied to the flat dentin surfaces according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Composite blocks (Z- 250; 3M ESPE) of 5 mm in height have been prepared by using layering technique. Teeth were stored in water for 24 hours at 37°C and longitudinally sectioned to obtain dentin sticks of 1 mm2.Randomly selected samples from half of the teeth were immediately subjected to micro tensile test and. Remaining specimens were tested after 1 year storage in water. Bond strengths were calculated in megapascal (MPa). Results: Means and standard deviations of the Clearfil SE Bond® micro tensile bond strength values were, respectively, 37.31 ± 13.77 MPa and 24.78 ± 2.99 MPa after 24 h and 1 year of storage in water. The difference was statistically significant (p=0.031). Conclusion: Long-term storage in water decreased the micro tensile bond strength values of the twostep self-etch adhesive which has been accepted as the gold standard in bond strength tests.

DOI :10.17096/jiufd.60136   IUP :10.17096/jiufd.60136    Full Text (PDF)

Altın Standart İki Aşamalı Self-Etch Bağlayıcı Sistemin Kısa Dönem ve Uzun Dönem Dentine Bağlanma Dayanımları: Bir Ön Çalışma

Safa TuncerNeslihan TekçeDial PashaevMustafa DemirciCanan Baydemir

Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, iki aşamalı bir selfetch dentin bağlayıcı sistemin 1 yıl suda bekletme sonucunda bağlanma dayanım değerlerindeki değişimi incelemektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Mikro-gerilim bağlanma dayanım testi için 10 adet gömük üçüncü molar dişi kullanılmıştır. Düz dentin yüzeylerine iki aşamalı selfetch (Clearfil SE Bond; Kuraray) sistem uygulamasını takiben tabakalama yöntemi ile 5 mm yüksekliğinde kompozit bloklar (Z-250; 3M ESPE) oluşturulmuştur. Restore edilen dişler 24 saat 37°C suda bekletildiken sonra uzun akslarına paralel olarak kesilmiş ve 1 mm2’lik dentin çubukları oluşturulmuştur. Rastgele seçilen 5 dişe ait çubuklar 24 saat sonra, kalan 5 dişten hazırlanan çubuklar ise 1 yıl 37°C suda bekletildikten sonra çekme testine tabi tutulmuştur. Elde edilen bağlanma dayanımı değerleri megapascal (MPa) olarak kayıt edilmiştir. Bulgular: Bağlanma dayanım değerleri 24 saat sonunda ortalama 37.31 ± 13.77 MPa, 1 yıl suda bekletme sonunda ortalama 24.78 ± 2.99 MPa olarak tespit edilmiştir. Suda bekletme sonucunda Clearfil SE Bond bağlanma dayanım değerlerindeki azalma istatistiksel olarak anlamlılık göstermiştir. (p=0.031). Sonuç: Bağlanma testlerinde altın standart olarak kabul edilen iki aşamalı bir self-etch bağlayıcının suda uzun dönem bekletilmesi, bağlanma dayanım değerlerinde azalmaya neden olmuştur. 

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Tuncer, S., Tekçe, N., Pashaev, D., Demirci, M., & Baydemir, C. (2015). SHORT- AND LONG-TERM BOND STRENGTHS OF A GOLD STANDARD TWO-STEP SELF-ETCH ADHESIVE SYSTEM TO DENTIN: A PRELIMINARY STUDY. European Oral Research, 49(2), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.17096/jiufd.60136


Tuncer S, Tekçe N, Pashaev D, Demirci M, Baydemir C. SHORT- AND LONG-TERM BOND STRENGTHS OF A GOLD STANDARD TWO-STEP SELF-ETCH ADHESIVE SYSTEM TO DENTIN: A PRELIMINARY STUDY. European Oral Research. 2015;49(2):1-7. https://doi.org/10.17096/jiufd.60136


Tuncer, S.; Tekçe, N.; Pashaev, D.; Demirci, M.; Baydemir, C. SHORT- AND LONG-TERM BOND STRENGTHS OF A GOLD STANDARD TWO-STEP SELF-ETCH ADHESIVE SYSTEM TO DENTIN: A PRELIMINARY STUDY. European Oral Research, [Publisher Location], v. 49, n. 2, p. 1-7, 2015.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Tuncer, Safa, and Neslihan Tekçe and Dial Pashaev and Mustafa Demirci and Canan Baydemir. 2015. “SHORT- AND LONG-TERM BOND STRENGTHS OF A GOLD STANDARD TWO-STEP SELF-ETCH ADHESIVE SYSTEM TO DENTIN: A PRELIMINARY STUDY.” European Oral Research 49, no. 2: 1-7. https://doi.org/10.17096/jiufd.60136

Chicago: Humanities Style

Tuncer, Safa, and Neslihan Tekçe and Dial Pashaev and Mustafa Demirci and Canan Baydemir. SHORT- AND LONG-TERM BOND STRENGTHS OF A GOLD STANDARD TWO-STEP SELF-ETCH ADHESIVE SYSTEM TO DENTIN: A PRELIMINARY STUDY.” European Oral Research 49, no. 2 (Jan. 2025): 1-7. https://doi.org/10.17096/jiufd.60136

Harvard: Australian Style

Tuncer, S & Tekçe, N & Pashaev, D & Demirci, M & Baydemir, C 2015, 'SHORT- AND LONG-TERM BOND STRENGTHS OF A GOLD STANDARD TWO-STEP SELF-ETCH ADHESIVE SYSTEM TO DENTIN: A PRELIMINARY STUDY', European Oral Research, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 1-7, viewed 4 Jan. 2025, https://doi.org/10.17096/jiufd.60136

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Tuncer, S. and Tekçe, N. and Pashaev, D. and Demirci, M. and Baydemir, C. (2015) ‘SHORT- AND LONG-TERM BOND STRENGTHS OF A GOLD STANDARD TWO-STEP SELF-ETCH ADHESIVE SYSTEM TO DENTIN: A PRELIMINARY STUDY’, European Oral Research, 49(2), pp. 1-7. https://doi.org/10.17096/jiufd.60136 (4 Jan. 2025).


Tuncer, Safa, and Neslihan Tekçe and Dial Pashaev and Mustafa Demirci and Canan Baydemir. SHORT- AND LONG-TERM BOND STRENGTHS OF A GOLD STANDARD TWO-STEP SELF-ETCH ADHESIVE SYSTEM TO DENTIN: A PRELIMINARY STUDY.” European Oral Research, vol. 49, no. 2, 2015, pp. 1-7. [Database Container], https://doi.org/10.17096/jiufd.60136


Tuncer S, Tekçe N, Pashaev D, Demirci M, Baydemir C. SHORT- AND LONG-TERM BOND STRENGTHS OF A GOLD STANDARD TWO-STEP SELF-ETCH ADHESIVE SYSTEM TO DENTIN: A PRELIMINARY STUDY. European Oral Research [Internet]. 4 Jan. 2025 [cited 4 Jan. 2025];49(2):1-7. Available from: https://doi.org/10.17096/jiufd.60136 doi: 10.17096/jiufd.60136


Tuncer, Safa - Tekçe, Neslihan - Pashaev, Dial - Demirci, Mustafa - Baydemir, Canan. SHORT- AND LONG-TERM BOND STRENGTHS OF A GOLD STANDARD TWO-STEP SELF-ETCH ADHESIVE SYSTEM TO DENTIN: A PRELIMINARY STUDY”. European Oral Research 49/2 (Jan. 2025): 1-7. https://doi.org/10.17096/jiufd.60136


Published Online18.05.2015


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