Case Report

DOI :10.26650/JARHS2021-842364   IUP :10.26650/JARHS2021-842364    Full Text (PDF)

Stability Evaluation of Orthodontic Treatment of a Severe Open Bite Problem for an Adult by Maxillary Molar Intrusion Using Zygomatic Mini-Plates and Premolar Extractions: A 5 Year Follow Up Results

Necati TürkmenGülnaz Marşan

Relapse of the open bite following the orthodontic treatment may occur within various periods after finishing active treatment. This study evaluates the stability of a severe open bite treatment using records taken 5 years after the treatment. Clinical Presentation: A 16- year old female patient with severe anterior open bite of (-6 mm) and skeletal Cl II relation owing to mandibular retrognathia and dental Cl I occlusion and moderate crowding in both arches. The patient was treated with maxillary molar intrusion with the help of zygomatic miniplates and NiTi coil springs tied to maxillary bite blocks to reduce the lower face height and to close the negative overbite and premolar extractions were also performed to relieve the crowding followed by conventional fixed orthodontic treatment. Conclusion: the patient showed stable vertical correction and a relapse only in the form of diastema at the extraction site. This type of treatment is recommended for similar cases since it has good stability in the long term, and it is less invasive than the orthognathic surgery with less postoperative complications expected.

DOI :10.26650/JARHS2021-842364   IUP :10.26650/JARHS2021-842364    Full Text (PDF)

Zygoma Mini Plak Kullanılarak Maksiller Molar İntrüzyonu ve Küçük Azı Çekimi Yoluyla Şiddetli Açık Kapanışın Ortodontik Tedavisinin Stabilite Değerlendirmesi: 5 Yıllık Takip Sonuçları

Necati TürkmenGülnaz Marşan

Ortodontik tedaviyi takiben açık kapanışta görülen nüks, aktif tedavi bittikten sonra çeşitli dönemlerde ortaya çıkabilir. Bu çalışma, tedaviden 5 yıl sonra alınan kayıtları kullanarak şiddetli bir açık kapanış tedavisinin stabilitesini değerlendirmektedir. Klinik Bulgular: Mandibuler retrognati ve dental Cl I oklüzyonuna sahip şiddetli ön açık kapanış (-6 mm) , iskeletsel Cl II ilişki ve her iki arkta orta derecede çapraşıklık gosteren 16 yaşında kadın hastaya ait. Alt yüz yüksekliğini ve açık kapanışı azaltmak için Zigomatik miniplaklara bağlanan NiTi yaylar yardımıyla üst çene molar intrüzyonu yapıldı. çapraşıklığı gidermek için premolar çekimleri ve geleneksel sabit ortodontik tedavi uygulandı. Sonuç: dik yöndeki ortodontik düzelmenin stabil olduğu görüldü .Çekim yerinde minimal aralık şeklinde bir nüks bulundu. Bu tür bir tedavi, uzun vadede iyi stabilite gostermektedir ve ortognatik cerrahiye göre daha az invaziv olduğu ve postoperatif komplikasyon yaratmadiği için benzer vakalar için önerilebilir.

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Türkmen, N., & Marşan, G. (2021). Stability Evaluation of Orthodontic Treatment of a Severe Open Bite Problem for an Adult by Maxillary Molar Intrusion Using Zygomatic Mini-Plates and Premolar Extractions: A 5 Year Follow Up Results. Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences, 4(1), 49-53.


Türkmen N, Marşan G. Stability Evaluation of Orthodontic Treatment of a Severe Open Bite Problem for an Adult by Maxillary Molar Intrusion Using Zygomatic Mini-Plates and Premolar Extractions: A 5 Year Follow Up Results. Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences. 2021;4(1):49-53.


Türkmen, N.; Marşan, G. Stability Evaluation of Orthodontic Treatment of a Severe Open Bite Problem for an Adult by Maxillary Molar Intrusion Using Zygomatic Mini-Plates and Premolar Extractions: A 5 Year Follow Up Results. Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences, [Publisher Location], v. 4, n. 1, p. 49-53, 2021.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Türkmen, Necati, and Gülnaz Marşan. 2021. “Stability Evaluation of Orthodontic Treatment of a Severe Open Bite Problem for an Adult by Maxillary Molar Intrusion Using Zygomatic Mini-Plates and Premolar Extractions: A 5 Year Follow Up Results.” Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences 4, no. 1: 49-53.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Türkmen, Necati, and Gülnaz Marşan. Stability Evaluation of Orthodontic Treatment of a Severe Open Bite Problem for an Adult by Maxillary Molar Intrusion Using Zygomatic Mini-Plates and Premolar Extractions: A 5 Year Follow Up Results.” Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences 4, no. 1 (Apr. 2024): 49-53.

Harvard: Australian Style

Türkmen, N & Marşan, G 2021, 'Stability Evaluation of Orthodontic Treatment of a Severe Open Bite Problem for an Adult by Maxillary Molar Intrusion Using Zygomatic Mini-Plates and Premolar Extractions: A 5 Year Follow Up Results', Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 49-53, viewed 25 Apr. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Türkmen, N. and Marşan, G. (2021) ‘Stability Evaluation of Orthodontic Treatment of a Severe Open Bite Problem for an Adult by Maxillary Molar Intrusion Using Zygomatic Mini-Plates and Premolar Extractions: A 5 Year Follow Up Results’, Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences, 4(1), pp. 49-53. (25 Apr. 2024).


Türkmen, Necati, and Gülnaz Marşan. Stability Evaluation of Orthodontic Treatment of a Severe Open Bite Problem for an Adult by Maxillary Molar Intrusion Using Zygomatic Mini-Plates and Premolar Extractions: A 5 Year Follow Up Results.” Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences, vol. 4, no. 1, 2021, pp. 49-53. [Database Container],


Türkmen N, Marşan G. Stability Evaluation of Orthodontic Treatment of a Severe Open Bite Problem for an Adult by Maxillary Molar Intrusion Using Zygomatic Mini-Plates and Premolar Extractions: A 5 Year Follow Up Results. Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences [Internet]. 25 Apr. 2024 [cited 25 Apr. 2024];4(1):49-53. Available from: doi: 10.26650/JARHS2021-842364


Türkmen, Necati - Marşan, Gülnaz. Stability Evaluation of Orthodontic Treatment of a Severe Open Bite Problem for an Adult by Maxillary Molar Intrusion Using Zygomatic Mini-Plates and Premolar Extractions: A 5 Year Follow Up Results”. Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences 4/1 (Apr. 2024): 49-53.


Published Online25.02.2021


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