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DOI :10.26650/bba.2022.17.1127615   IUP :10.26650/bba.2022.17.1127615    Tam Metin (PDF)

Dijital Çağda Değişen Belge Olgusunun Arşivcilikte Düzenleme ve Tanımlamaya Etkisi: Literatüre Dayalı Bir İnceleme

Aygül Çiçek AkgünNiyazi Çiçek

Arşivlenen elektronik belgelerin, önceden beri geleneksel metotlar ışığında şekillenen arşiv uygulamalarında çeşitli değişimlere sebep olduğu bilinmektedir. E-belgelerin üretimi, onaylanması, posta hizmetleri, dosyalanması, arşive transferi, düzenlenmesi ve kontrolü aynı zamanda uzun süre korunması ve bilgi güvenliği gibi birçok konu, değişimin yaşandığı alanlar olmuştur. Bunlardan biri de tanımlama ve düzenlemedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, arşive devredilmiş e-belgelerin düzenlenmesinde ve tanımlamasında geleneksel metotların yeterliliğini değerlendirmektir. Bu yapılırken dijital çağda e-arşivlerin geleneksel uygulamalarda ne tür değişimlere sebep olduğu da ortaya çıkarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Makalenin problemi, bilgi teknolojisine dayalı dijital belgelerin yoğun olarak kullanılmaya başlanmasıyla provenans ve asli düzen gibi prensipleri yeniden düşünmek gerektiği üzerinedir. Literatür araştırmasına dayanan bu çalışmada, belgesel tarama tekniğinden yararlanılmış, derlenen kaynak ve belgelerin içerik çözümlemesi yapılarak veriler toplanmıştır. Literatür aracılığıyla düzenlemenin ve tanımlamanın izi sürülerek, geleneksel yöntemlerin elektronik belgelere nasıl uygulandığı farklı ülkelerdeki yazılı kaynaklar incelenerek anlaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda, dijitalleşme ile birlikte geleneksel arşivcilik yaklaşımlarının yeniden yorumlandığı görülmüştür. Arşivlenen elektronik belgelerin bilgi taşıyıcı özellikleri, kayıt ortamları ve formatları, bilgi güvenliği ve uzun süre orijinal kalmak ve delil değerini muhafaza etmekle ilgili kırılgan bir yapıya sahip olmalarından dolayı entelektüel kontrollerinde geleneksel uygulamaların yeterli olmadığı, bir takım yeni yaklaşımlar geliştirmek gerektiği anlaşılmıştır.

DOI :10.26650/bba.2022.17.1127615   IUP :10.26650/bba.2022.17.1127615    Tam Metin (PDF)

The Effect of the Phenomenon of Changing Records in the Digital Age on Arrangement and Description in Archiving: A Literature-Based Analysis

Aygül Çiçek AkgünNiyazi Çiçek

Archived electronic records are widely recognized to have brought about various changes in archival practices that had been shaped in the light of traditional methods. Many issues such as the production and approval of e-records, their postal services, filing, transfer to the archive, editing and proofreading, as well as their long-term preservation and information security have been areas experiencing change. Another area that has been subject to change is archival arrangement and description. This study aims to evaluate the adequacy of traditional methods in the arrangement and description of e-records transferred to an archive. While doing this, the specific changes that e-archives have led to regarding traditional applications in the digital age will be investigated. The problem of the article is that, with the intensive use of digital documents based on information technology, principles such as provenance and original order need to be rethought. This study is based on a literature review and utilizes the documentary scanning technique. Its data were collected by analyzing the content of compiled sources and records. The study traces archival arrangement and description through the literature and explores the application of traditional methods versus electronic records by examining written sources in different countries. In conclusion, traditional archival approaches are understood to have been reinterpreted alongside digitalization. Traditional methods are understood to be unable to meet the requirements for archived e-records’ intellectual control due to archived e-records being vulnerable in terms of information-bearing properties, media/recording format, information security, preservation of the original, and maintaining the value of documents, and new approaches must be developed.


Archival arrangement and description are known to have been practiced by taking into account the principles of provenance and original order, and paper’s dominance in the field in the past had required strict adherence to these traditional practices. Today, however, e-documents as changing and developing information that expose media with fast accessibility features and an unlimited number of reproducible formats demonstrate the need for new perspectives in addition to the traditional methods known to archival practices. Although electronic records are accepted as belonging in certain files, with institutions taking into account the concepts of provenance and document hierarchy, the technological advantages e-records offer require new methods regarding intellectual control. Due to their advantages of being available in fairly modest volumes, quick access, and replication, the need has emerged to develop different arrangement and description methods than just the traditional ones. The suggestion has been made that archived electronic records have brought about various changes in the archival practices that had been shaped in the light of traditional methods. Changes have occurred in multiple processes such as how e-records are transferred to an archive and how they are edited and proofread, in addition to their long-term preservation and information security. Another area that has been subject to change is archival arrangement and description. This study aims to evaluate the adequacy of traditional methods in the arrangement and description of e-records transferred to an archive. While doing this, the specific changes e-archives have led to regarding traditional applications in the digital age will be investigated. The research investigates the need to rethink principles such as provenance and original order given the intensive use of digital documents based on information technology.

 This study is based on a literature review and utilizes the document scanning technique. Its data were collected by analyzing the content of compiled sources and records. The study traces archival arrangement and description through the literature and explores the application of traditional methods to electronic records by examining written sources in different countries. In conclusion, traditional archival approaches are understood to have been reinterpreted alongside digitalization. Traditional methods are understood to be unable to meet the requirements for e-records intellectual control due to archived e-records being vulnerable in terms of informationbearing properties, media and format of recording, information security, preservation of originality, and maintaining document value, and new approaches must be developed. Although several studies have discussed the effect of digitalization on arrangement and description in the international literature, almost no significant studies have been conveyed in Turkey. This study is substantial in terms of opening the subject to discussion and will fulfill its mission on the assumption that it leads to new research.

Uncertainties about the future of electronic records and archival applications in the digital age have yet to be fully resolved. The amenities offered by commercial software companies such as Google as well as network connection storage facilities in the form of cloud systems demonstrate that the archives of the future will be more than brick and mortar buildings. Furthermore, institutions that possess archival material are also quite likely to move their archives to these platforms with outsourced service purchases. Although this case provides a number of advantages, it will evidently interfere with the procedures for arranging and describing e-archives. The interference can be exemplified by e-records’ software dependence in various respects, their position in a complex technological environment, and their vulnerable structure. Therefore, while new description areas such as authenticity, completeness, integrity, and reliability have been introduced especially as a result of the vulnerable structure of new technology in terms of description, various software tools are generally accepted to be required for accessing file content, analyzing file structure and context, saving files, and determining the proper intellectual arrangement for editing. Although new software tools are accepted as being required for editing in particular, certain archival principles should be regarded to ensure the hierarchy of e-documents. This is because, while several editing methods are available in the digital age, provenance and respect for the original layout will remain significant concepts for maintaining the reliability and authenticity of records.

Although e-records are different from paper records in many respects, to redesign them in terms of archival practices would be redundant. Therefore, archived e-records should not be considered threats due to their digital vulnerability but as new opportunities that will contribute to the development of archival practices. Likewise, the advantages of electronic records such as speed, efficiency, austerity, and ease of use will allow new opportunities to be discovered. Along with these new opportunities, new interpretations will be introduced to archival practices. Thus, provenance and original order are expected to further develop upon new interpretations. 

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Çiçek Akgün, A., & Çiçek, N. (2022). Dijital Çağda Değişen Belge Olgusunun Arşivcilikte Düzenleme ve Tanımlamaya Etkisi: Literatüre Dayalı Bir İnceleme. Bilgi ve Belge Araştırmaları Dergisi, 0(17), 33-58.


Çiçek Akgün A, Çiçek N. Dijital Çağda Değişen Belge Olgusunun Arşivcilikte Düzenleme ve Tanımlamaya Etkisi: Literatüre Dayalı Bir İnceleme. Bilgi ve Belge Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2022;0(17):33-58.


Çiçek Akgün, A.; Çiçek, N. Dijital Çağda Değişen Belge Olgusunun Arşivcilikte Düzenleme ve Tanımlamaya Etkisi: Literatüre Dayalı Bir İnceleme. Bilgi ve Belge Araştırmaları Dergisi, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 17, p. 33-58, 2022.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Çiçek Akgün, Aygül, and Niyazi Çiçek. 2022. “Dijital Çağda Değişen Belge Olgusunun Arşivcilikte Düzenleme ve Tanımlamaya Etkisi: Literatüre Dayalı Bir İnceleme.” Bilgi ve Belge Araştırmaları Dergisi 0, no. 17: 33-58.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Çiçek Akgün, Aygül, and Niyazi Çiçek. Dijital Çağda Değişen Belge Olgusunun Arşivcilikte Düzenleme ve Tanımlamaya Etkisi: Literatüre Dayalı Bir İnceleme.” Bilgi ve Belge Araştırmaları Dergisi 0, no. 17 (Apr. 2024): 33-58.

Harvard: Australian Style

Çiçek Akgün, A & Çiçek, N 2022, 'Dijital Çağda Değişen Belge Olgusunun Arşivcilikte Düzenleme ve Tanımlamaya Etkisi: Literatüre Dayalı Bir İnceleme', Bilgi ve Belge Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 0, no. 17, pp. 33-58, viewed 19 Apr. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Çiçek Akgün, A. and Çiçek, N. (2022) ‘Dijital Çağda Değişen Belge Olgusunun Arşivcilikte Düzenleme ve Tanımlamaya Etkisi: Literatüre Dayalı Bir İnceleme’, Bilgi ve Belge Araştırmaları Dergisi, 0(17), pp. 33-58. (19 Apr. 2024).


Çiçek Akgün, Aygül, and Niyazi Çiçek. Dijital Çağda Değişen Belge Olgusunun Arşivcilikte Düzenleme ve Tanımlamaya Etkisi: Literatüre Dayalı Bir İnceleme.” Bilgi ve Belge Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 0, no. 17, 2022, pp. 33-58. [Database Container],


Çiçek Akgün A, Çiçek N. Dijital Çağda Değişen Belge Olgusunun Arşivcilikte Düzenleme ve Tanımlamaya Etkisi: Literatüre Dayalı Bir İnceleme. Bilgi ve Belge Araştırmaları Dergisi [Internet]. 19 Apr. 2024 [cited 19 Apr. 2024];0(17):33-58. Available from: doi: 10.26650/bba.2022.17.1127615


Çiçek Akgün, Aygül - Çiçek, Niyazi. Dijital Çağda Değişen Belge Olgusunun Arşivcilikte Düzenleme ve Tanımlamaya Etkisi: Literatüre Dayalı Bir İnceleme”. Bilgi ve Belge Araştırmaları Dergisi 0/17 (Apr. 2024): 33-58.


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