Collocation en linguistique textuelle à travers la Vision féminine d’un voyageur au XIXe siècle en Orient: Le cas de Joseph Reinach
Osman Tayfun FakiroğluDans cette étude, on se concentre sur la collocation en linguistique textuelle, autour du thème de la "femme" à travers un journal intime publié dans le cadre de la littérature de voyage. Les raisons des voyages organisés vers le Levant sont expliquées. Certains écrivains qui tiennent une place importante dans la littérature de voyage sont mentionnés. Des informations préliminaires sont fournies sur Joseph Reinach, qui a voyagé vers le Levant au 19e siècle. D'abord, la place des "femmes" dans la société est prise en considération, et lors de la visite de Vienne, l'atmosphère spirituelle de la ville est soulignée. Quant à Budapest et Belgrade, une analyse du contexte religieux se réalise sur des femmes. Après, Il est à noter que dans les villes d'Orschova, Pitesti et Varna, le thème féminin est abordé d'un point de vue esthétique. Enfin, il est souligné que les femmes ottomanes tiennent une place importante dans la vie sociale et professionnelle à Constantinople et à Bursa au 19eme siècle.
Collocation in Text Linguistics Through the Feminine Vision of a Traveler in the 19th-Century Orient: The Case of Joseph Reinach
Osman Tayfun FakiroğluIn this study, we investigate the collocated words around the theme of woman through a personal diary published in the context of travel literature. We additionally explain the reasons for the organized trips to the Levant and mention some writers who’ve gained a prominent place in the travel literature. The article provides preliminary information about Joseph Reinach, who' traveled to the Levant in the 19th century. Firstly, the article takes into consideration the place of women in society and emphasizes the spiritual atmosphere of Vienna when visiting the city. For Budapest and Belgrade, the study conducts an analysis of women in a religious context. Afterwards, the study notably approaches the feminine theme from an aesthetic point of view with regard to the towns of Orșova, Pitesti, and Varna. Lastly the study emphasizes the important place Ottoman women had taken in social and professional life in Istanbul and Bursa in the 19th century.
This study discusses the views on women as made by Joseph Reinach, who’d traveled from France to Istanbul and conveyed in his personal diary his observations on the cities he’d visited in relation to different themes. He touched upon issues such as traditional and religious practices, works of art, architecture, and food culture that he saw during these travels. One of the issues he emphasized the most in his writings was his different impressions of women in each city. Joseph Reinach traveled to various cities and depicted the women there from a romantic and subjective perspective. His journey from France to Istanbul included Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Romania, Pitesti, Varna, Constantinople, and Bursa. This study discusses how Joseph Reinach wrote his observations about the word woman in each city in terms of text-linguistic collocation. When making a comparison among the cities in the context of the use of collocations, the greatest diversity regarding emphasis, details, and descriptions was found for Varna, Belgrade, and Romanian cities.
Joseph Reinach described the women he saw in the towns of Pitesti and Varna as being full of life and physically strong; he also described their very brightly colored dresses and how he was impressed with those colors. He referenced Greek mythology to talk about the young girls swimming in the sea and believed them to be of Jewish origin. He also commented on the women on the boat he’d boarded to get to Istanbul and how he thought they were scared based on the expressions on their faces, as if because they were heading to other unknown destinations.
Upon his arrival in Ottoman lands, he found the Ottoman women to have acquired a very significant place in society, where women’s rights were at the highest level thanks to the Tanzimat Declaration; he also mention the presence of great developments for women both in the field of work and in the social field. How a traveler in Ottoman society had observed women adds significant anthropological value to the phenomenon.
The article has attempted to unveil Joseph Reinach’s views of women based on his observations he cited in his book. Joseph Reinach visited different cities and countries on his way back to France. To carry out further studies on this subject in the context of travel literature would also be useful.