Call For Papers Rethinking Forced Migration and Welfare Inclusion

Asylum-seekers' and refugees' access to social rights and services affects the functioning of host countries' welfare systems, policy making and practices (Dahlstedt, & Neergaard (2019), Hagelund (2020), Landini (2022), Sobczak- Szelc 2023) and citizens' perceptions and attitudes (Siviş 2022, Jensen and Petersen 2017).  In this context, the special issue focuses on the inclusion and/or exclusion of refugees in national welfare regimes and how its consequences are perceived by refugees, citizens, and national and international actors. In that regard the issue aims to question how refugees’ welfare inclusion and its results has been perceived by refugees, citizens, national actors as well as international actors and how these perception influence.

Articles are expected to discuss how these perceptions affect political and economic systems and social structures.  The main axes identified for the special issue are:

Power relations: Party politics, electoral behaviors,

Institutions: National and international policies, welfare state structures,

Economics Labor relations, investment decisions,

Society and values: Cultural and social effects

In that regard, the special issue aims to examine the discourses and strategies of individuals, central and local governments, political parties, intergovernmental and supranational organizations and CSOs, and their political, economic, cultural and social impacts. Empirical research focusing on the post-2015 period will be considered for publication in the special issue.

Submissions are open to this special issue via journal’s manuscript submission system: until April 2, 2025.

For further queries and questions, please contact the special issue editors:

Ceren Ark Yıldırım:

Zeynep Özde Ateşok:

Marc Smyrl:


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