DOI :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.075   IUP :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.075    Full Text (PDF)

An examination of the relationships between temperature (average, maximum, minimum) with altitude and latitude in Turkey

Murat KarabulutKübra Aydın

Climate is an important factor controlling the living and non-living environment on the earth. Information about temperature change, which is one of the basic elements of the climate system, is very important in determining the character of global warming. Temperature values vary temporally and spatially depending on geographical characteristics. Turkey, which is one of the countries in the middle latitudes, is the place where different climate types are experienced due to its geographical location and topographical characteristics. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between monthly maximum, minimum and average temperature values with latitude and altitude in Turkey by using data obtained from ground-based Meteorology stations (in the periods of 1960-2017, 1960-1990 and 1980-2010). In the study, Pearson correlation analysis was used to show the relationship between the mean, maximum and minimum temperature data with elevation and latitude at 3 different time intervals. In addition, regression models were created according to the geographical regions of the stations and a model was created for each region. In this study, the correlation coefficient between the altitude values with a maximum temperature of the stations in Turkey are found to be very low in the three different periods for summer. When the relationship between the temperature and elevation values is examined regionally, it is noteworthy that the stations in Marmara region have low positive relations in 3 different periods due to low elevation differences. In the regression model for the Mediterranean region in the period of 1960-2017, the rate of change in temperature in winter was 0.91 ° C per 100 meters, whereas in summer it was determined to be 0,44 ° C. 


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