DOI :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.037   IUP :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.037    Full Text (PDF)

Changes and developments occurred in the land use of Kırıkkale City (1990-2018)

Mesut DoğanErcan Vural

Kırıkkale Province, whose history dates back to ancient times, has always attracted scholarly attention and has become a crossroad for important paths. Many important activities, such as military, industrial, agriculture, and transportation activities, are conducted there owing to the location of Kırıkkale city. Morever, this city, which was one of the major districts of the Turkish capital city of Ankara for a long time, has attracted much attention as regards strategic industrial investments in the military context. The city underwent planning as an industrial city in the Republican Era and received an excessive influx of immigration due to investments. Although the population in the first census taken in the Republican Era reached 2.600, it increased to 188.709 according to the 2018 Address-based Population Registration System. This field of study received intense immigration volume mainly from the neighboring provinces in 1925 with the onset of the industrial activities in the city. Land usage started changing with the population increase. However, such changes in land usage have caused adverse effects especially on fertile land classes due to inappropriate land usage. Agricultural activities have decreased as the fertile lands were zoned for construction and used beyond their original purposes. In conclusion, land usage in accordance with their respective features with the appropriate intervention of applied politics will be largely beneficial for the current land allocation in the city.


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