DOI :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.001   IUP :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.001    Full Text (PDF)

Eastern Anatolia Region in the works of medieval Islamic geographers

Abdullah Balcıoğulları

This study is in the field of historical geography and aims to reveal information about the Eastern Anatolia Region according to the works of Medieval Islamic geographers. Depending on the geographical location, where three continents are closest to one another, Anatolia has always served as a bridge over the migration routes of human and animal communities. As is widely known, the subject of geography examines the interaction between humans and the natural environment, thus understanding the past is necessary to completely explain human and physical activities. This study aims to reveal the human and economic characteristics of Eastern Anatolia during the Middle Ages by examining the works of Islamic geographers. To this end, this study examined the works of Islamic geographers from the 10th to the 14th centuries. Hence, the human and economic characteristics of the Eastern Anatolia Region were evaluated in the historical process, and the factors that influenced this development were emphasized. Results indicate that the Eastern Anatolia Region during the Middle Ages was wealthy in economic terms, as evidenced by its leading products, such as cochineal insect, dried fish, and various mines.

JEL Classification : A21


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