1st Istanbul International Geography Congress Proceedings Book
Spatial and Temporal Variability of the Stormy Day in Turkey
Yusuf Fırat Kurtuluş, Zahide AcarIn general, in climatology and meteorology, wind anywhere in the world at any moment of the day for at least ten minutes and longer than 17.2-20.7 m / s and faster than 20.8-24.4 m / s windy weather conditions are described as storms. Such days are recorded as stormy days. Storms bring about severe weather events. These; usually occurs as rain, slush, snow or hail events. In addition, thunder and lightning accompany the storm. These evolving events cause many effects in many sectors ranging from disruptions to loss of life and property. Such effects emphasize the importance of the study. The main purpose of this study identify the spatial distribution of the number of stormy days in Turkey, is to determine the temporal variability. Turkey has been used for this purpose, the daily wind data of 207 meteorological stations across. Stormy days were determined from daily wind data and monthly stormy days of each station were calculated. Kendalls Tau (Kendalls Tau Rank Correlation Coefficient) method was used to determine temporal variability in stormy days. IDW to see the results of distribution in Turkey (inverse weighted distance) method was applied. In the spatial distribution of the number of stormy days Çanakkale, Zonguldak, Bartin, Sinop, Mersin, Elazig provinces and the average number of stormy days between 21-42 days by taking values from other regions were found to be higher than the storm frequency. According to the temporal variability statistically significant downward trend in Turkey’s general trend, especially as coastal belt is dominant in the Aegean region. particularly in the area of the interior of Turkey it was determined to be statistically significant upward trend in the eastern part.