DOI :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.109   IUP :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.109    Full Text (PDF)

Spatial distribution of the elderly population in Afyonkarahisar city

Üzeyir YasakMuhammet Keskin

The relationship between the phenomenon of old age and space is rather important when we think about provision of services and plan approaches in various scales. Aging of the population makes necessary of producing more new policies like economy, health, transportation, new housing expectation and accessing to social facilities. Determination of which units of urban area parts are populated by the aging population is important in terms of the applicability of these policies. In this respect, the aim of research is to reveal spatial distribution of 65 years and overpopulation in Afyonkarahisar and analyse the factors which affects distribution. How old age population is distributed according to neighborhood in the first findings of this study has been put forward spatially. For this purpose, the population of 65 years and over residing in the areas of the city center which has 500 population and more are considered. In this study, quantitative research method is used. Firstly, the total number of old age population including the number of women and men in the research area has been requested from TÜİK. In the first findings, the rate of old population in Afyonkarahisar is % 6,6 which remains below the average of Turkey. It is understood that the most densely 65 years and over populated areas are Dumlupınar, Cumhuriyet and Fatih. In the narrow range analysis of old age population, it is understood that the young old age population between 65-75 is distributed more equal in the city center. However, it is understood that the elderly population over 80 is densely distributed only in 2 areas in the city center.


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