DOI :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.035   IUP :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.035    Full Text (PDF)

The anthropocene in the Black Sea coasts of the Kocaeli Plateau

Atilla KarataşRauf BelgeEmre DumanMehdi AalijahanCansu DumanAygüzel Abdullah

The interactions between humans and the natural environment have long been an essential and prominent topic in the field of geography. This study, therefore, investigates the causes and consequences of ongoing interactions between the human and natural environment on the Black Sea coast of the Kocaeli Plateau. To achieve this, geological and topographic maps of the study area, together with the data obtained from field research, were used as the secondary and primary materials. A literature review was conducted to investigate records of the past. In addition, 1/100.000 geological maps and 1/25.000 topographical maps were used to create new maps of the region. Due to the observations on the Black Sea coast of the Kocaeli Plateau, it is revealed that humans and the natural environment continue to interact today as they did in the past.


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