DOI :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.103   IUP :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.103    Full Text (PDF)

The concept of sustainable development in teaching of geography and economy in the new educational realities

Stella DermendzhievaTamara Draganova

The school geographic education is a conductor to the concept of sustainable development. The new educational realities and reforms of 2016, which are still ongoing are reflect to the objectives of school education. One of the main objectives of pre-school and school education, regulated by the educational law, is the acquisition of competencies for implementing the principles of sustainable development. The geography and economics training ensures the introduction of sustainable development principles , including ecological, economical and social dimensions, aimed at delineation of a long-term vision for society. The educational policy in school geography aims to build skills for personal responsibility for a sustainable future. Training on sustainable development through school geographic education is defined in the specific objectives of the state standards as continuing the formation of pupils’ geographical culture as part of their common culture for orientation and prudent activity in the geographical area at global, regional and national level. The conceptual educational idea of the principles of sustainable development is part of the interdisciplinary synthesis of geography with other subjects that contain the content frameworks of the concept of sustainable development – philosophy, civic education, in technology and entrepreneurship, arts. Combining educational - cognitive and educational - meaningful synthesis in sustainable development training the geography and economics course provides geography, literacy and behavioral patterns in a geographic space for a better life - conscious and oriented towards protecting the health of man and to provide a full life in harmony with nature.


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