DOI :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.026   IUP :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.026    Full Text (PDF)

The effect of urbanization on minimum temperature trends in meteorological stations: example of Western Mediterranean coast

Cihan Şen

It is important to understand the extent to which environmental changes around meteorological stations influence temperature data patterns over many years to detect climate change. In this study, eight district stations on the Western Mediterranean coast of Turkey were selected based on the respective city’s population and location. Alanya station was paired with Anamur, Gazipaşa, and Manavgat stations, and Fethiye station was paired with Köyceğiz, Dalaman, and Finike stations. Stations with populations greater than 100,000 were considered city stations and those with populations lesser than 100,000 were considered rural stations. Average minimum temperature data from 1970 to 2015, obtained from the General Directorate of Meteorology, were used. All stations were photographed from all directions from the station to the environment and from the environment to the station. Google Earth aerial photographs of the stations were used and their proximity to urban influences, such as buildings and asphalt, were determined. A new series was obtained by taking differences in the minimum average temperature of city–rural station pairs to reveal the effects of the city on each station. To determine the trends of this time series, Mann–Kendall trend statistics were applied. With the exception of the Fethiye–Finike pair, a positive increase with a 95% confidence interval was observed in minimum average temperature difference trends. This implies that although the population of the Finike station is less than 100,000, it is under the influence of the city. Significant positive increases in the difference series formed between Alanya station and Anamur, Gazipaşa, and Manavgat stations indicate that Alanya station is also under the influence of the city. Significant positive increases in the difference series between Fethiye station and Dalaman and Köyceğiz stations indicate that Fethiye station is affected by the city.


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