1st Istanbul International Geography Congress Proceedings Book
The modern-day populist shopping center culture on space emphasis from a perspective based on Walter Benjamin’s “passages”
Mine BaştaWhile the perpetrators of the 21st century become objects of the culture of consumption, the identities that are reconciled and reproduced keep the imposed lifestyles, habits and products used in circulation. Under the domination of social media, the perpetrators, by the influence of populist culture, voluntarily choose the commodities imposed by these channels and thus consume them, become themselves commodities in time. The phenomenon of increasing consumption at a global level with the rapid acceleration of today’s capitalist societies is fed by the hunger in the human soul and thus increases and accelerates day by day without ever being saturated. Many unconscious expenditures fuel the fever of consumption. Consumption action without considering the underlying reasons becomes a vicious circle and causes many unnecessary commodities to be included in the consumption cycle. Walter Benjamin’s “Passages”, which reflects the Parisian culture of his time and describes how the goods are used in the phenomenon of consumption and thus how consumption occurs, sheds light on this work and while emphasizing that consumption phenomenon cannot be realized independently of space and geography, it aims to reveal the secrets of the inner world of this fiction where shopping centers are positioned on the phenomenon of consumption. The aim of this study is to emphasize that it is not possible to talk about a consumption phenomenon independent of space. For this purpose, it is tried to reveal the essential effect and importance of the phenomenon of space in shopping centers.