DOI :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.083   IUP :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.083    Full Text (PDF)

The ongoing development and structure of the manufacturing industry in Erzincan from the republican period to the present

Neşe YeşilbaşKaan Kapan

The ındustrial sector is one of the most important sub-sectors that provide improvement and economic development in our country and employs the city where it is located. It is of particular importance as an alternative business in the development of areas where agriculture and animal husbandry are widely used as economic livelihoods. Due to its favorable climatic conditions and fertile soil, our city has based its economic development on agriculture and animal husbandry for many years, and therefore the industrial potential of the city has been taken to the second plan from past to present. In this study, we aim to talk about the industrial activities in Erzincan from past to present, the factors that caused the pause or termination of these activities, the capacity and employment opportunities of some industrial organizations in the past and present. Today, Erzincan has the opportunity to benefit more from industrial incentives as it is a priority area for development within the scope of government incentives carried out to eliminate interregional inequality. Accordingly, it has an important opportunity for the development of the industry. However, since the manufacturing industry of Erzincan is located between two relatively developed cities such as Erzurum and Sivas, it is overshadowed by both the public and private sectors. The negative impact of this situation on the economy of the city cannot be denied. It is necessary to take the necessary steps for Erzincan to get to the forefront in the field of industry by getting rid of the shadow of these two provinces.


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  • Doi Number : google scholar
  • Erişim Adresi: google scholar
  • Erzincan Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası(2019), Erişim Adresi: google scholar


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