DOI :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.114   IUP :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.114    Full Text (PDF)

Turkish carpets and rugs which are in the scope of the geographical indications (Hasgül handmade carpet and bayat Türkmen rug)

Güven ŞahinSüheyla Balcı Akova

Geographical indication is one of the most popular issues of recent years. Products whose boundaries are identified with a certain area in terms of natural and human conditions are ensured to transfer the concrete examples of national cultures to future generations thanks to the application based on the protection of certain principles. Numerous product groups such as meals, desserts, beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic), agricultural products, craft products and processed foods can be considered in this context. Carpets and rugs, which constitute our subject of study, are within the scope of craft products and constitute one of the most important product groups both economically and folklorically. Carpets and rugs occupying a very important place in Turkish culture constitute one of the most important signs of national culture as a product of thousands of years of knowledge. Carpets and rugs also attract attention with being the first product group to be included in the geographical sign. As of the end of 2018, a total of 27 carpets and rugs from this group were included in the geographical indication. “Thin Isparta (Hasgül) Hand Made Carpet and Bayat Türkmen Rug, which constitute our subject of study, are remarkable examples in terms of their long history, motifs and materials used. On the other hand, there are major and urgent problems awaiting solutions relating to the productes which we choose as sample products throughout Turkey as well as all other related characteristics carpets. In this study, it is focused on the geographical indication characteristics of the products such as a İnce (thin) Isparta (Hasgül) Hand Made Carpet and Bayat Türkmen Rug and sectoral problems and the things to be done in this field.


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