Services Marketing Strategies
Selen ÖztürkToday, service sectors hold for a major part of nations’ economies worldwide in general. Developments and rapid innovations in information and communications technologies, the rise of the digital age, and changing consumption habits helped or forced companies in generating new services and also helped individuals to make better choices. The main purpose of the study is to present up-to-date issues related to services marketing in theory and practice. With the help of the findings from previous studies and examples from several service sectors, the potential of the services marketing, in general, is examined theoretically. The chapter mainly discusses the integration of new technologies (digitalized services, mobile services, self-service technologies, robots, and so on) to the services marketing ecosystems regarding related benefits and drawbacks. These technologies are supposed to change the ecosystems to some degree, since especially in some service sectors service providers may need to go back to basics and start the process design from zero by embracing these new service models, channels, tools, etc. This changing services marketing environment should be the concern of both businesses and marketing scholars. To be able to provide more superior value and to create a competitive advantage, services should be designed and delivered in this manner. Besides discussing what is new for today, the chapter includes a projection and discussion of the future of services marketing.
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