The Problem of Cyanotoxins in Freshwaters: From Climate Change to Detoxification
Alejandro Cao, Natalia Vilariño, Luis M. BotanaCyanotoxins are toxins produced by cyanobacteria, a phylum of bacteria that can be found in standing fresh water, such as lakes or ponds, all over the world. These organisms can be a danger to human and animal health, and may also pose an environmental threat, when harmful cyanobacterial blooms are formed. People and animals can be poisoned through ingestion of cyanotoxin-contaminated water or food owed to toxin-producing blooms and the symptoms vary depending on the toxin class that has produced the intoxication. The presence of cyanotoxins in freshwaters has become more prominent in recent years due to a combination of factors, including climate change, freshwater eutrophication and changes in water management practices. The increased frequency of toxic blooms entails an important problem to warrant human safety, which is reflected by current guidelines and regulations regarding cyanotoxins. For this reason, to preserve human and animal health, scientist have worked during the last decades on the development of new methods for the detection and control of cyanotoxins and cyanobacteria. Origin, classification, detection, regulations and removal of cyanotoxins will be discussed in this chapter.
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