DOI :10.26650/PB/SS46PS01.2022.001.004   IUP :10.26650/PB/SS46PS01.2022.001.004    Full Text (PDF)

Seeking Financing in Increasing the Budget Allocated to Space Research and Searching for Taxpayer Compliance in Terms of Taxes as a Source of Financing

Yasemin TaşkınZinnur Tunç

The space economy and its reflection on various industries affect the entire world. As a result, the increase in the share of the space economy in the global economy has drawn attention to this area. Because of its various difficulties, especially financing, space research is not a research area in which the private sector can operate alone. Thus, there are two basic elements of space research today. These are the public and private sectors. Reasons for this include factors such as the high cost of space research and difficulties in meeting this. This can be seen in the budgets allocated for space research. There is a trend of increasing the budgets reserved for space research in almost every country year by year. The guiding and indispensable role of the state enforces the existence of public resources in the budget and funding of space research. It is, therefore, inevitable that tax revenues, which account for the largest share of public revenues, are used as financing sources in space research. As taxes are the main source of financing and could trigger reactions from taxpayers, the prevention or reduction of these reactions before they arise depends on raising taxpayers’ awareness of the benefits of space research. The study aims to examine the volume of space budgets, budget differences, the share of space budgets within public budgets, the tax compliance processes of those who are obliged to pay taxes when the taxes are the financing sources of space budgets and space research.


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