DOI :10.26650/B/SS49.2022.007.03   IUP :10.26650/B/SS49.2022.007.03    Full Text (PDF)

Volunteerism on the Axis of Rights and Responsibilities

Selman Salim Kesgin

Being a phenomenon encountered in many areas such as education, culture, and disasters, volunteerism’s area of activity has become more widespread and diversified with each day through its economic, cultural, political, and sociological reflections on society and individuals.. News about different types of volunteerism, from responding to forest fires to being involved in preparing for a film festival, has been reflected in the media and been subjected to much research. However, volunteers’ rights and responsibilities cannot easily be said to have been adequately discussed as a concept. Volunteerism is the act of being a part of the society in which one lives as a conscientious and responsible individual and is directly related to the concepts of altruism, benevolence, philanthropy, generosity, humanitarianism, prosocial behavior, and social responsibility. This chapter discusses from a descriptive point of view the issue of volunteering in terms of rights and responsibilities. It addresses the regulations that form the basis of volunteer rights and the principles regarding volunteers’ responsibilities. This chapter presents institutions’ practices regarding volunteer rights and responsibilities and in this regard discusses the prominent developments in Turkiye and the world.


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