Research Article

DOI :10.26650/jes.2024.1469693   IUP :10.26650/jes.2024.1469693    Full Text (PDF)

The Role of the Friendship of Heydar Aliyev and Suleyman Demırel in Establishing Relations Between Azerbaijan and Türkiye on a Solid Foundation

Ramile Dadaşova

The friendship between Heydar Aliyev and Suleyman Demirel played a great role in the development of Azerbaijan-Türkiye relations. As a result of the personal friendship between two great political figures - Heydar Aliyev and Suleyman Demirel, National Leader Heydar Aliyev released Nakhchivan from the blockade, supplied it with food and energy, built a bridge connecting Türkiye to Azerbaijan, and built a bridge between Türkiye and Nakhchivan. The friendship of Heydar Aliyev and Suleyman Demirel increased the mutual respect, sympathy and love of the people of Türkiye and Azerbaijan. When Nakhchivan was attacked by Armenia, Suleyman Demirel announced the essence of the Kars Treaty of 1921 to the whole world. In addition to the official meetings of the two statesmen, in each of their private meetings, views were exchanged on the consistent development of AzerbaijanTürkiye cooperation, the international situation, and a number of regional problems. Along with President Heydar Aliyev, Suleyman Demirel also kept the peaceful settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijani conflict under his control, and always stood by Azerbaijan in international meetings and the adoption of important documents. The friendship of the two leaders was important in the implementation of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum projects. Conceptual views of Heydar Aliyev in laying the foundation of fraternal relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Türkiye have been accounted for today. Heydar Aliyev knew that the support of Azerbaijan in the region and in the world could be a brotherly Turkish state and that Türkiye`s moral and political support of Azerbaijan in the Patriotic War to the end, and the creation of even more enthusiasm in the fight against the enemy and confidence in victory among the Azerbaijani people proved it once again.

DOI :10.26650/jes.2024.1469693   IUP :10.26650/jes.2024.1469693    Full Text (PDF)

Azerbaycan ile Türkiye Arasındaki İlişkilerin Sağlam Temeller Üzerine Kurulmasında Haydar Aliyev ve Süleyman Demirel Dostluğunun Rolü

Ramile Dadaşova

Haydar Aliyev`le Süleyman Demirel arasındaki dostluğun Azerbaycan-Türkiye ilişkilerinin gelişmesinde büyük katkısı olmuştur. Büyük devlet adamları arasındaki dostluk sonucunda Türkiye ile Nahçıvan arasında Türkiye'yi Azerbaycan'a bağlayan köprü inşa edilmiş, Milli Lider Haydar Aliyev Türkiye`den gıda ve enerji yardım alarak Nahçıvan'ı ablukadan çıkarmıştır. Haydar Aliyev ve Süleyman Demirel dostluğu, Türkiye ve Azerbaycan halklarının karşılıklı saygı ve sevgisini artırmıştır. Nahçıvan, Ermenistan'ın saldırısına uğradığında Süleyman Demirel, "Nahçıvan'dan elinizi çekin" diyerek Kars Antlaşması'nın önemini tüm dünyaya duyurmuştur. İkili görüşmeler Azerbaycan-Türkiye işbirliğinin gelişmesinde ana etkilerden olmuştur. Cumhurbaşkanı Haydar Aliyev`le birlikte Süleyman Demirel`in ErmenistanAzerbaycan anlaşmazlığının barışçıl çözümü için çaba harcaması, uluslararası toplantılarda önemli belgelerin kabul edilmesinde iki devletin bir-birini desteklemesi, Bakü-Tiflis-Ceyhan, Bakü-Tiflis-Erzurum projelerinin uygulanması, Azerbaycan-Türkiye ilişkilerinin kardeşlik temelinde kurulmasında iki ülke lideri arasındaki dostluğun önemini yansıtmaktatır. Haydar Aliyev'in Azerbaycan Cumhuriyeti ile Türkiye Cumhuriyeti arasında kardeşlik ilişkilerinin temellerinin atılmasına yönelik kavramsal fikirleri bugüne hesaplanmıştır. Haydar Aliyev, Azerbaycan'ı bölgede ve dünyada destekleyen devletin kardeş Türkiye devleti olduğunun farkındaydı. Türkiye'nin Vatan Savaşı'nın sonuna kadar Azerbaycan'a verdiği manevi ve siyasi desteğin Azerbaycan halkının düşmana karşı mücadele ruhunu ve zafere olan inancını daha da artırması bunu kanıtlamıştır.


Personal friendship between presidents is of great importance in international relations. The friendship between Heydar Aliyev and Suleyman Demirel played a great role in the development of Azerbaijan-Türkiye relations. As a result of the personal friendship between two great political figures - Heydar Aliyev and Suleyman Demirel, National Leader Heydar Aliyev released Nakhchivan from the blockade, supplied it with food and energy, built a bridge connecting Türkiye to Azerbaijan, and built a bridge between Türkiye and Nakhchivan. The friendship of Heydar Aliyev and Suleyman Demirel increased the mutual respect, sympathy and love of the people of Türkiye and Azerbaijan. When Nakhchivan was attacked by Armenia, Suleyman Demirel announced the essence of the Kars Treaty of 1921 to the whole world. In addition to the official meetings of the two statesmen, in each of their private meetings, views were exchanged on the consistent development of Azerbaijan-Türkiye cooperation, the international situation, and a number of regional problems. Along with President Heydar Aliyev, Suleyman Demirel also kept the peaceful settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijani conflict under his control, and always stood by Azerbaijan in international meetings and the adoption of important documents. The friendship of the two leaders was important in the implementation of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum projects. Remembering the words of his friend Suleyman Demirel about Türkiye's great need for gas, Heydar Aliyev directed Azerbaijan's gas to meet Türkiye's needs.

Conceptual views of Heydar Aliyev in laying the foundation of fraternal relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Türkiye have been accounted for today. Türkiye recognized the independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the first time among the countries of the world, and mutual diplomatic missions began to operate. Heydar Aliyev, who relied on Türkiye as a brotherly state with the same language and roots and tried to strengthen its influence in the Caucasus, pursued a balanced policy with other neighboring countries, including Russia, which is one of the permanent members of the UN Security Council and has the right to veto decisions. He also had official visits to France, Great Britain, China, and the United States, clarified the fair position of Azerbaijan, and signed documents. However, the National Leader knew that the support of Azerbaijan in the region and in the world could be a brotherly Turkish state with one language and one blood, and that Türkiye's moral and political support of Azerbaijan in the Patriotic War to the end, and the creation of even more enthusiasm in the fight against the enemy and confidence in victory among the Azerbaijani people proved it once again.

Türkiye has a role in the political and economic life of Azerbaijan. In order to settle the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict diplomatically, the Republic of Türkiye provided political support to the Republic of Azerbaijan in a principled form, regularly maintained relations with the Azerbaijani government to study the situation, made a statement about the aggression of the Armenian armed forces against Nakhchivan, and made a proposal to send the Turkish army to the region. He made appeals and statements to the UN Security Council about settling the conflict, Suleyman Demirel raised the Karabakh issue during his visit to the United States and called on the United States to stop supporting Armenia in the Nagorno-Karabakh issue. He brought the Khojaly genocide to the agenda of the political commission of NATO.

From March 27 to April 3, 1993, immediately after the beginning of the Armenian aggression in the Kalbajar region and in the process of the subsequent occupations of Armenia, when the government of Azerbaijan appealed to the UN regarding the situation in the region, Türkiye called the UN Security Council for urgently preventing the aggression against Azerbaijan and liberate all Azerbaijani lands. Türkiye played a great role in the adoption of the 1996 Lisbon Declaration and the adoption of 4 resolutions of the UN Security Council confirming the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

The Akyaka border crossing point on the railway from Gyumri to Kars and the Alijan border crossing point on the land road passing through Igdir were closed by Türkiye due to Armenia's territorial claims against Türkiye, its claims of promoting the "Armenian genocide", and its occupation of Azerbaijani territories.

The non-opening of the border crossing gates with Armenia is one of the factors that proves the brotherly relations between Azerbaijan and Türkiye. President Heydar Aliyev performed strong activities in establishing Azerbaijan-Türkiye relations on great spiritual and national roots and succeeded in this.

Azerbaijan also has a role in the political and economic life of Türkiye. Azerbaijan has always defended Türkiye in the international world. President Heydar Aliyev strongly objected to the discussion of the "Armenian Genocide" project in the US Congress, the French Parliament, Italy and Russia. Heydar Aliyev expressed the importance of uniting Azerbaijan and Türkiye against injustice. He believed that historians are responsible for refuting the "Armenian genocide" and considered it is necessary to involve historians from Azerbaijan, Türkiye, as well as Georgia, Russia, Iran and other places to investigate this issue by revealing the documents. Heydar Aliyev emphasized that Russia's military base in Armenia is a threat not only to Azerbaijan, but also to the region and Türkiye, Türkiye is responsible for protecting the region, and without Türkiye's participation, there will be no security in the Caucasus. On November 18, 1999, at the Istanbul summit, the signing of the agreement on the transportation of crude oil from the territories of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Türkiye through the Baku-TbilisiCeyhan oil pipeline, and the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline on June 26, 2002 in Ankara. The introduction of the project stimulated the development of Azerbaijan-Türkiye strategic cooperation and security in the region.

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Dadaşova, R. (2024). The Role of the Friendship of Heydar Aliyev and Suleyman Demırel in Establishing Relations Between Azerbaijan and Türkiye on a Solid Foundation. Journal of Eurasian Inquiries, 13(2), 149-167.


Dadaşova R. The Role of the Friendship of Heydar Aliyev and Suleyman Demırel in Establishing Relations Between Azerbaijan and Türkiye on a Solid Foundation. Journal of Eurasian Inquiries. 2024;13(2):149-167.


Dadaşova, R. The Role of the Friendship of Heydar Aliyev and Suleyman Demırel in Establishing Relations Between Azerbaijan and Türkiye on a Solid Foundation. Journal of Eurasian Inquiries, [Publisher Location], v. 13, n. 2, p. 149-167, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Dadaşova, Ramile,. 2024. “The Role of the Friendship of Heydar Aliyev and Suleyman Demırel in Establishing Relations Between Azerbaijan and Türkiye on a Solid Foundation.” Journal of Eurasian Inquiries 13, no. 2: 149-167.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Dadaşova, Ramile,. The Role of the Friendship of Heydar Aliyev and Suleyman Demırel in Establishing Relations Between Azerbaijan and Türkiye on a Solid Foundation.” Journal of Eurasian Inquiries 13, no. 2 (Oct. 2024): 149-167.

Harvard: Australian Style

Dadaşova, R 2024, 'The Role of the Friendship of Heydar Aliyev and Suleyman Demırel in Establishing Relations Between Azerbaijan and Türkiye on a Solid Foundation', Journal of Eurasian Inquiries, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 149-167, viewed 11 Oct. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Dadaşova, R. (2024) ‘The Role of the Friendship of Heydar Aliyev and Suleyman Demırel in Establishing Relations Between Azerbaijan and Türkiye on a Solid Foundation’, Journal of Eurasian Inquiries, 13(2), pp. 149-167. (11 Oct. 2024).


Dadaşova, Ramile,. The Role of the Friendship of Heydar Aliyev and Suleyman Demırel in Establishing Relations Between Azerbaijan and Türkiye on a Solid Foundation.” Journal of Eurasian Inquiries, vol. 13, no. 2, 2024, pp. 149-167. [Database Container],


Dadaşova R. The Role of the Friendship of Heydar Aliyev and Suleyman Demırel in Establishing Relations Between Azerbaijan and Türkiye on a Solid Foundation. Journal of Eurasian Inquiries [Internet]. 11 Oct. 2024 [cited 11 Oct. 2024];13(2):149-167. Available from: doi: 10.26650/jes.2024.1469693


Dadaşova, Ramile. The Role of the Friendship of Heydar Aliyev and Suleyman Demırel in Establishing Relations Between Azerbaijan and Türkiye on a Solid Foundation”. Journal of Eurasian Inquiries 13/2 (Oct. 2024): 149-167.


Published Online30.09.2024


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