Research Article

DOI :10.26650/experimed.1193314   IUP :10.26650/experimed.1193314    Full Text (PDF)

Alcohol Withdrawal at Different Points in Time Distinctly Affects Wistar Rats’ Spatial Reference Memory

İlknur DursunBirsen ElibolEbru HacıosmanoğluEwa Jakubowska Doğru

Objectives: The consumption of alcohol by adults may lead to severe neurodegeneration and significant behavioral problems. An increase in the harmful effects of alcohol becomes aggravated after the development of alcohol dependence. Furthermore, the serious damage from chronic alcohol intake on the hippocampus has gained attention due to its role on learning and memory. Therefore, the study aimed to examine the retention of spatial reference memory during different points in time regarding alcohol withdrawal in Wistar rats. Materials and Methods: The study has therefore administered alcohol to rats at gradually increasing doses from 4.5 to 12 g/kg/day in a binge-like manner using the intragastric intubation technique for six days followed by 24, 48, or 96 hours of alcohol withdrawal. To evaluate the effects of alcohol withdrawal, the alcohol-exposed rats have been tested regarding their spatial reference memory. Results: An adverse effect from alcohol withdrawal on memory retention was observed in the 24-hour alcohol withdrawal group. This effect decreased at 48 hours of withdrawal, but reappeared at 96 hours. Conclusion: The study’s results suggest that alcohol withdrawal itself, even after a relatively short period of alcohol intake, may also adversely affect memory. Therefore, withdrawal therapy from alcohol should be performed in a controlled manner to protect the brain from extended alcohol withdrawal-induced spatial memory impairments.

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Dursun, İ., Elibol, B., Hacıosmanoğlu, E., & Jakubowska Doğru, E. (2022). Alcohol Withdrawal at Different Points in Time Distinctly Affects Wistar Rats’ Spatial Reference Memory. Experimed, 12(3), 219-224.


Dursun İ, Elibol B, Hacıosmanoğlu E, Jakubowska Doğru E. Alcohol Withdrawal at Different Points in Time Distinctly Affects Wistar Rats’ Spatial Reference Memory. Experimed. 2022;12(3):219-224.


Dursun, İ.; Elibol, B.; Hacıosmanoğlu, E.; Jakubowska Doğru, E. Alcohol Withdrawal at Different Points in Time Distinctly Affects Wistar Rats’ Spatial Reference Memory. Experimed, [Publisher Location], v. 12, n. 3, p. 219-224, 2022.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Dursun, İlknur, and Birsen Elibol and Ebru Hacıosmanoğlu and Ewa Jakubowska Doğru. 2022. “Alcohol Withdrawal at Different Points in Time Distinctly Affects Wistar Rats’ Spatial Reference Memory.” Experimed 12, no. 3: 219-224.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Dursun, İlknur, and Birsen Elibol and Ebru Hacıosmanoğlu and Ewa Jakubowska Doğru. Alcohol Withdrawal at Different Points in Time Distinctly Affects Wistar Rats’ Spatial Reference Memory.” Experimed 12, no. 3 (Sep. 2024): 219-224.

Harvard: Australian Style

Dursun, İ & Elibol, B & Hacıosmanoğlu, E & Jakubowska Doğru, E 2022, 'Alcohol Withdrawal at Different Points in Time Distinctly Affects Wistar Rats’ Spatial Reference Memory', Experimed, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 219-224, viewed 9 Sep. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Dursun, İ. and Elibol, B. and Hacıosmanoğlu, E. and Jakubowska Doğru, E. (2022) ‘Alcohol Withdrawal at Different Points in Time Distinctly Affects Wistar Rats’ Spatial Reference Memory’, Experimed, 12(3), pp. 219-224. (9 Sep. 2024).


Dursun, İlknur, and Birsen Elibol and Ebru Hacıosmanoğlu and Ewa Jakubowska Doğru. Alcohol Withdrawal at Different Points in Time Distinctly Affects Wistar Rats’ Spatial Reference Memory.” Experimed, vol. 12, no. 3, 2022, pp. 219-224. [Database Container],


Dursun İ, Elibol B, Hacıosmanoğlu E, Jakubowska Doğru E. Alcohol Withdrawal at Different Points in Time Distinctly Affects Wistar Rats’ Spatial Reference Memory. Experimed [Internet]. 9 Sep. 2024 [cited 9 Sep. 2024];12(3):219-224. Available from: doi: 10.26650/experimed.1193314


Dursun, İlknur - Elibol, Birsen - Hacıosmanoğlu, Ebru - Jakubowska Doğru, Ewa. Alcohol Withdrawal at Different Points in Time Distinctly Affects Wistar Rats’ Spatial Reference Memory”. Experimed 12/3 (Sep. 2024): 219-224.


Published Online30.12.2022


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