The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in The Effect of Strategical Leadership on Corporate Reputation Perception
Seda Kızıl, Atılhan NaktiyokThe primary aim of this research is to examine the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the effect of strategic leadership behaviors of the executives on corporate reputation perception which develops in employees. In this research, a scale was used to collect data from 517 employees of 3 private hospitals in Trabzon and collected data was analyzed with required statistical analysis. As a result of research it has been determined that strategic leadership behaviors of the executives has a positive effect on corporate reputation perception of the employees and CSR plays a a partial mediating role on the relationship between strategic leadership-corporate reputation.
Yöneticilerin Stratejik Liderlik Davranışlarının Kurumsal İtibar Algısı Üzerine Etkisinde Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluğun (KSS) Rolü
Seda Kızıl, Atılhan NaktiyokBu araştırmanın temel amacı, yöneticilerin göstermiş olduğu stratejik liderlik davranışlarının çalışanlarda oluşan kurumsal itibar algısı üzerindeki etkisinde kurumsal sosyal sorumluluğun (KSS) rolünü incelemektir. Araştırmada, 2016 yılında Trabzon’da faaliyet gösteren üç özel hastanede görev yapan 517 çalışandan anket tekniği ile veri toplanmıştır ve bu veriler uygun analizlere tabi tutulmuştur. Araştırma sonucunda yöneticilerin stratejik liderlik davranışlarının çalışanların kurumsal itibar algısını olumlu yönde etkilediği ve KSS faaliyetlerinin stratejik liderlik ile kurumsal itibar arasındaki ilişkide kısmi aracılık rolü üstlendiği belirlenmiştir.
The survival of organizations operating in an ever-changing and complex environment significantly depends on the positive perceptions of stakeholders regarding the organization, or, in other words, on organizations’ abilities to manage their corporate reputations and make them part of the strategic management processes. The reason for this is that awareness of a company’s reputation provides stakeholders with the opportunity to compare the products, jobs, strategies and image of said organization with its rivals. Within this context, important duties fall to the strategic leaders who play an active role in the strategic management process for the effective and careful management of the corporate reputation. First of all, strategic leaders should aim to change the perceptions regarding reputation of the employees who are perfectly placed to influence the perceptions of other stakeholders. However, the existence of strategic leaders may not always create a positive perception among employees. For this reason, employees should be made aware that the organization performs CSR activities. With CSR, organizations provide a service to society, improve the quality of life, manage its economic-legal-ethical-volunteer activities in accordance with the expectations of society and try to find solutions to social problems. Therefore, stakeholders can reach a general conclusion about the organization based on its CSR activities, and they may develop certain expectations for the future. In this context, the aim of this study is to examine the role of CSR activities in the impact of strategic leadership behaviors of managers on the corporate reputation perception of employees. The survey method was used in this study. The study group consisted of 517 employees in three private hospitals operating in Trabzon in 2016. Firstly, strategic leadership, corporate reputation and CSR scales were subjected to explanatory and confirmatory factor analyses. Secondly, correlation analysis was performed across the variables. The correlation analyses showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between strategic leadership and corporate reputation, between strategic leadership and CSR and between CSR and corporate reputation at 99% confidence level in general. Thirdly, a three-stage regression analysis, as proposed by Baron and Kenny (1986: 1177), was carried out to explain the mediating role of CSR in the impact of strategic leadership behaviors on the corporate reputation perception of employees. At the first stage, it was seen that the independent variable (SL) had a significant impact on the dependent variable (CR) (β=.552; p<.001). At the second stage, the impact of the independent variable (SL) on the mediator variable (CSR) was examined (β=.589; p<.001). At the third stage, the impact of the mediator variable (CSR) on the dependent variable (CR) was examined (β=.719; p<.001). Finally, the independent variable (SL) was included in the model with the mediator variable (CSR) and attempts were made to explain the dependent variable (CR). When the last step was examined, it was observed that there was no insignificance in the association between strategic leadership and corporate reputation, but the impact strength decreased (β=.196; p<.001) and that the impact of CSR on corporate reputation continued (β=.603; p<.001. This finding shows that CSR plays a partial mediation role in the impact of strategic leadership on corporate reputation. The Sobel test was performed to determine the significance level of the mediation impact and this was confirmed given that the result was significant (z=13,574; p<.001). The study was limited to three private hospitals in Trabzon. Similar studies could be conducted in different geographical regions and the possible impacts of regional differences could be examined in terms of the research subject. In addition, this study, which was conducted in the health sector, might equally be applied to organizations operating in different industries. In this study, the variables that make up the research subject were evaluated from the perspective of the employees. Other stakeholder groups that organizations interact with could be included in the study to compare evaluations of stakeholder groups.