
DOI :10.5222/j.child.2019.06926   IUP :10.5222/j.child.2019.06926    Full Text (PDF)

Group B Meningococcal Infections and Vaccination

Özge KabaAyper Somer

Meningococcal infections leading to endemics and epidemics all over the world can lead to mortality resulting in hours. Factors such as geographical characteristics, host factors, serogroup of microorganism affect the course. According to the surveillance data, serogroups A, B, C, W135 and Y were the most common causes of epidemics. With the new meningococcal vaccines including serogroups A, C, W135 and Y, the incidence of these serogroups decreased significantly all over the world. In our country, meningococcal diseases have been striking after the immunization program has been enriched with the addition of Hib and pneumococcal vaccines. Protection against serogroup B, which appears to be in the forefront, has been sought and recently, serogroup B vaccine (4CMenB) has been developed by reverse vaccination method.

DOI :10.5222/j.child.2019.06926   IUP :10.5222/j.child.2019.06926    Full Text (PDF)

Grup B Meningokok Enfeksiyonları ve Aşılama

Özge KabaAyper Somer

Dünyanın heryerinde endemi ve epidemilere neden olan meningokokal enfeksiyonlar, saatler içerisinde mortalite ile sonuçlanan tablolara yol açabilir. Coğrafi özellikler, konak faktörü, mikroorganimanın serogrubu gibi faktörler seyri etkilemektedir. Edinilen sürveyans verilerine göre epidemilere en sık neden olan serogruplar A, B, C, W135 ve Y olarak belirlenmiştir. Bunun üzerine geliştirilen A, C, W135 ve Y serogruplarını içeren yeni meningokok aşıları ile tüm dünyada bu serogrupların görülme oranı belirgin olarak azalma göstermiştir. Ülkemizde ise bağışıklama programının Hib ve pnömokok aşılarının eklenmesiyle zenginleştirilmesinden sonra meningokokal hastalıklar çarpıcı bir şekilde kendini göstermiştir. Ön planda olduğu görülen serogrup B’ye karşı korunmanın yolları aranmış ve son dönemde ters vaksinoloji yöntemiyle serogrup B aşısı (4CMenB) geliştirilmiştir.

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Kaba, Ö., & Somer, A. (2019). Group B Meningococcal Infections and Vaccination. Journal of Child, 19(3), 116-123.


Kaba Ö, Somer A. Group B Meningococcal Infections and Vaccination. Journal of Child. 2019;19(3):116-123.


Kaba, Ö.; Somer, A. Group B Meningococcal Infections and Vaccination. Journal of Child, [Publisher Location], v. 19, n. 3, p. 116-123, 2019.

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Kaba, Özge, and Ayper Somer. 2019. “Group B Meningococcal Infections and Vaccination.” Journal of Child 19, no. 3: 116-123.

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Kaba, Özge, and Ayper Somer. Group B Meningococcal Infections and Vaccination.” Journal of Child 19, no. 3 (Sep. 2024): 116-123.

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Kaba, Ö & Somer, A 2019, 'Group B Meningococcal Infections and Vaccination', Journal of Child, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 116-123, viewed 16 Sep. 2024,

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Kaba, Ö. and Somer, A. (2019) ‘Group B Meningococcal Infections and Vaccination’, Journal of Child, 19(3), pp. 116-123. (16 Sep. 2024).


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Kaba Ö, Somer A. Group B Meningococcal Infections and Vaccination. Journal of Child [Internet]. 16 Sep. 2024 [cited 16 Sep. 2024];19(3):116-123. Available from: doi: 10.5222/j.child.2019.06926


Kaba, Özge - Somer, Ayper. Group B Meningococcal Infections and Vaccination”. Journal of Child 19/3 (Sep. 2024): 116-123.


Published Online05.12.2019


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