Nazmiye Yıldırım, Mine ÖzkanThe diagnosis and the treatment of chronic pelvic disorders is complex, and a patient-centered multidisciplinary approach is required. In this process, to understand the role of psychosocial factors and assess psychiatric problems is very important. Synchronized and coordinated biopsychosocial assistance must be given to the patient. The aim of this review is to highlight the psychiatric problems of patients with chronic pelvic pain and pelvic floor dysfunction.
Nazmiye Yıldırım, Mine ÖzkanKronik pelvik bozuklukların tanı ve tedavisi karmaşıktır ve hasta merkezli, multidispliner yaklaşım gerekir. Bu süreçte, psikososyal etkenlerin rolünü anlamak, psikiyatrik sorunları değerlendirmek ve hastaların biyopsikososyal yardımı eşzamanlı ve eşgüdümlü almalarını sağlamak önemlidir. Bu derlemenin amacı, kronik pelvik ağrı ve pelvik taban disfonksiyonu olan hastaların psikiyatrik sorunlarına dikkati çekmektir.
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Yıldırım, N., & Özkan, M. (2020). PSYCHIATRIC PROBLEMS AND TREATMENT IN CHRONIC PELVIC PAIN AND PELVIC FLOOR DYSFUNCTION. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, 83(2), 162-167.
Yıldırım N, Özkan M. PSYCHIATRIC PROBLEMS AND TREATMENT IN CHRONIC PELVIC PAIN AND PELVIC FLOOR DYSFUNCTION. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine. 2020;83(2):162-167.
Yıldırım, N.; Özkan, M. PSYCHIATRIC PROBLEMS AND TREATMENT IN CHRONIC PELVIC PAIN AND PELVIC FLOOR DYSFUNCTION. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, [Publisher Location], v. 83, n. 2, p. 162-167, 2020.
Chicago: Author-Date Style
Yıldırım, Nazmiye, and Mine Özkan. 2020. “PSYCHIATRIC PROBLEMS AND TREATMENT IN CHRONIC PELVIC PAIN AND PELVIC FLOOR DYSFUNCTION.” Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 83, no. 2: 162-167.
Chicago: Humanities Style
Yıldırım, Nazmiye, and Mine Özkan. “PSYCHIATRIC PROBLEMS AND TREATMENT IN CHRONIC PELVIC PAIN AND PELVIC FLOOR DYSFUNCTION.” Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 83, no. 2 (Dec. 2024): 162-167.
Harvard: Australian Style
Yıldırım, N & Özkan, M 2020, 'PSYCHIATRIC PROBLEMS AND TREATMENT IN CHRONIC PELVIC PAIN AND PELVIC FLOOR DYSFUNCTION', Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, vol. 83, no. 2, pp. 162-167, viewed 13 Dec. 2024,
Harvard: Author-Date Style
Yıldırım, N. and Özkan, M. (2020) ‘PSYCHIATRIC PROBLEMS AND TREATMENT IN CHRONIC PELVIC PAIN AND PELVIC FLOOR DYSFUNCTION’, Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, 83(2), pp. 162-167. (13 Dec. 2024).
Yıldırım, Nazmiye, and Mine Özkan. “PSYCHIATRIC PROBLEMS AND TREATMENT IN CHRONIC PELVIC PAIN AND PELVIC FLOOR DYSFUNCTION.” Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, vol. 83, no. 2, 2020, pp. 162-167. [Database Container],
Yıldırım N, Özkan M. PSYCHIATRIC PROBLEMS AND TREATMENT IN CHRONIC PELVIC PAIN AND PELVIC FLOOR DYSFUNCTION. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine [Internet]. 13 Dec. 2024 [cited 13 Dec. 2024];83(2):162-167. Available from: doi: 10.26650/IUITFD.2018.0020
Yıldırım, Nazmiye - Özkan, Mine. “PSYCHIATRIC PROBLEMS AND TREATMENT IN CHRONIC PELVIC PAIN AND PELVIC FLOOR DYSFUNCTION”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 83/2 (Dec. 2024): 162-167.