Committing the Offense of Intentional Injury with “Any Instrument, Not Having Been Specifically Manufactured for the Purpose of Attack or Defense, Which May Be Used for Such Purpose” and is Accepted as a Weapon
Eylem BaşThe commission of the offense of intentional injury with a weapon is included as a secondary element requiring the aggravation of the penalty in subparagraph (e) of paragraph 3 of Article 86 of the Turkish Penal Code numbered 5237 (TCK). According to the 4th subparagraph of paragraph (f) of Article 6 of the TCK, “in the implementation of the criminal law,” it is stated that “[a]ny instrument, not having been specifically manufactured for the purpose of attack or [defense], which may be used for such purpose” will be understood as a weapon. However, it is not clear what should be understood from the aforementioned expression in subparagraph 4. In this study, the problems caused by the phrase “[a]ny instrument, not having been specifically manufactured for the purpose of attack or defense, which may be used for such purpose” will be examined in practice. Subsequently, the necessity of abolishing the 4th subparagraph and using another expression with an amendment to be made in article 6 or the subparagraph (e) of the 3rd paragraph of article 86 of the TCK will be emphasized.
Kasten Yaralama Suçunun Silah Olarak Kabul Edilen “Saldırı ve Savunma Amacıyla Yapılmış Olmasa Bile Fiilen Saldırı ve Savunmada Kullanılmaya Elverişli Diğer Şeyler” ile İşlenmesi
Eylem BaşKasten yaralama suçunun silahla işlenmesine, 5237 sayılı Türk Ceza Kanunu’nun (TCK) 86. maddesinin 3. fıkrasının (e) bendinde, cezanın daha fazla verilmesini gerektiren nitelikli hal olarak yer verilmektedir. TCK’nın 6. maddesinin (f) bendinin 4. alt bendinde ise “saldırı ve savunma amacıyla yapılmış olmasa bile fiilen saldırı ve savunmada kullanılmaya elverişli diğer şeyler”in “ceza kanunlarının uygulamasında” silah olarak anlaşılacağı belirtilmektedir. Ancak 4. alt bentte yer alan söz konusu ifadeden neyin anlaşılması gerektiği belirli değildir. Çalışmada kasten yaralama suçunda kullanılan “saldırı ve savunma amacıyla yapılmış olmasa bile fiilen saldırı ve savunmada kullanılmaya elverişli diğer şeyler”in uygulamada ortaya çıkardığı sorunlar incelenecektir. Ardındansa 4. alt bendin yürürlükten kaldırılması ve TCK’nın 6. maddesinde ya da 86. maddesinin 3. fıkrasının (e) bendinde gerçekleştirilecek değişiklikle başka bir ifadenin kullanılmasının gerekliliği üzerinde durulacaktır.
As an aggravating factor arising from the instrument used in the crime, the commission of the offense of intentional injury with a weapon is regulated in subparagraph (e) of the 3rd paragraph of Article 86 of the Turkish Penal Code numbered 5237 (TCK). It is undisputed that the offense of intentional injury with a weapon should be punished effectively. However, in this case, the trial of the crime is carried out ex officio. In this context, what should legally be understood as the weapon is essential.
It can be seen that the concept of weapon is defined in paragraph (f) of Article 6 of the TCK, which is titled “Definitions..” According to this paragraph, “[i]n the implementation of the criminal law the term of a weapon shall have the following meaning”: “a firearm”; “an explosive”; “all instruments produced for the purpose of [defense] or attack [that] are capable of cutting, piercing[,] or injuring”; “any instrument, not having been specifically manufactured for the purpose of attack or [defense], which may be used for such purpose”; and “a nuclear, radioactive, chemical[,] or biological substance [that] has burning, corrosive, harmful, suffocating[,] or toxic properties or is capable of causing permanent illness..” Although it is stated in the preamble of this study that the concept of “weapon” is defined such that it need not be explained separately, it should be noted that the aforementioned determination is not valid, particularly in terms of subparagraph 4 of paragraph (f) of Article 6. This is because, even if the offense of intentional injury is committed with instruments that are considered weapons within the scope of subparagraph 4, there is no uniform understanding regarding these instruments in the punishment phase. This situation can lead to unjust results, such as different punishments for different perpetrators who commit the offense of intentional injury using the same means.
In this study, the concept of “weapon,” which includes the reference in the 4th subparagraph, will be examined first. While making this examination, article 189 of the Turkish Penal Code numbered 765 (ETCK), which constitutes the basis of the complex expression in the 4th subparagraph of (f) subparagraph of the 6th article of the TCK, will also be emphasized. Subsequently, an evaluation will be performed on the cases in which the instrument used in the crime of intentional injury should be included in the scope of “any instrument, not having been specifically manufactured for attack or [defense], which may be used for such purpose.”
Furthermore, the present study will explore whether animals, parts of the human body, or immovable objects are included in this context as well as the particular issues that can arise if the instrument used in the crime of intentional injury during the trial cannot be seized. Moreover, the relationship of the 4th subparagraph with the 3rd subparagraph will be highlighted due to the problems that it causes in practice regarding the crime of willful injury. In addition, what should be understood from the 4th subparagraph will be considered. Thus, the issue of whether the offense of intentional injury is committed with “all instruments produced for defense or attack [that] are capable of cutting, piercing[,] or injuring” or “any instrument, not having been specifically manufactured for attack or defense, which may be used for such purpose” will be addressed. All the aforementioned issues will be examined with a careful consideration of the approach of doctrine and practice. As a result, the necessity of abolishing the 4th subparagraph and using another expression with the amendment to be made in article 6 or the subparagraph (e) of the 3rd paragraph of article 86 of the TCK will be emphasized.