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DOI :10.26650/tjbc.1231281   IUP :10.26650/tjbc.1231281    Full Text (PDF)

A Possible Biomass Contribution to Fauna of Finike Seamounts by Terrestrial Insects

İrem KısmetFatih Dikmen

Although insects are defined as terrestrial organisms, they can occasionally be encountered in samples taken from the sea. What makes it special in our study is that terrestrial insects were caught from the open sea while sampling the planktons. As a result of our study, insect samples were collected from 8 different stations by using the plankton traps. These specimens found in the fauna of Finike Seamounts were not aquatic insects but terrestrial and were considered specimens that accidentally drifted away into the sea. This causes us to evaluate the possibility that they may have the potential to make a biomass contribution to the marine ecosystem. Further investigation of the subject and revealing possible insect biomass contributions in the sea constitute an important horizon for future studies.

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Kısmet, İ., & Dikmen, F. (2023). A Possible Biomass Contribution to Fauna of Finike Seamounts by Terrestrial Insects. Turkish Journal of Bioscience and Collections, 7(1), 35-38.


Kısmet İ, Dikmen F. A Possible Biomass Contribution to Fauna of Finike Seamounts by Terrestrial Insects. Turkish Journal of Bioscience and Collections. 2023;7(1):35-38.


Kısmet, İ.; Dikmen, F. A Possible Biomass Contribution to Fauna of Finike Seamounts by Terrestrial Insects. Turkish Journal of Bioscience and Collections, [Publisher Location], v. 7, n. 1, p. 35-38, 2023.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Kısmet, İrem, and Fatih Dikmen. 2023. “A Possible Biomass Contribution to Fauna of Finike Seamounts by Terrestrial Insects.” Turkish Journal of Bioscience and Collections 7, no. 1: 35-38.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Kısmet, İrem, and Fatih Dikmen. A Possible Biomass Contribution to Fauna of Finike Seamounts by Terrestrial Insects.” Turkish Journal of Bioscience and Collections 7, no. 1 (Sep. 2024): 35-38.

Harvard: Australian Style

Kısmet, İ & Dikmen, F 2023, 'A Possible Biomass Contribution to Fauna of Finike Seamounts by Terrestrial Insects', Turkish Journal of Bioscience and Collections, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 35-38, viewed 14 Sep. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Kısmet, İ. and Dikmen, F. (2023) ‘A Possible Biomass Contribution to Fauna of Finike Seamounts by Terrestrial Insects’, Turkish Journal of Bioscience and Collections, 7(1), pp. 35-38. (14 Sep. 2024).


Kısmet, İrem, and Fatih Dikmen. A Possible Biomass Contribution to Fauna of Finike Seamounts by Terrestrial Insects.” Turkish Journal of Bioscience and Collections, vol. 7, no. 1, 2023, pp. 35-38. [Database Container],


Kısmet İ, Dikmen F. A Possible Biomass Contribution to Fauna of Finike Seamounts by Terrestrial Insects. Turkish Journal of Bioscience and Collections [Internet]. 14 Sep. 2024 [cited 14 Sep. 2024];7(1):35-38. Available from: doi: 10.26650/tjbc.1231281


Kısmet, İrem - Dikmen, Fatih. A Possible Biomass Contribution to Fauna of Finike Seamounts by Terrestrial Insects”. Turkish Journal of Bioscience and Collections 7/1 (Sep. 2024): 35-38.


Authors thank to Dr. Bayram Öztürk and Dr. Onur Gönülal for their kind help and providing the materials which were sampled within the project “Cetacean Diversity in the Finike Seamounts Special Environment Protection Area” supported by the project Turkish Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change. This study was partly presented at the International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences “SOFAS 2022” with the title “A possible biomass contribution to fauna of Finike Seamounts by terrestrial insects”, held on 25-27 October 2022, Trabzon, Türkiye.


Published Online06.04.2023


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