Pandemic and the Critical Role of Knowledge Management
Information Sharing Approaches During Covid-19 in Turkey and Worldwide
Ebru İnan BarutcuAlthough the concept of information is widely used today, it is a very challenging concept to define. The definition of information may change according to time, developments, situations, and disciplines. Information is the whole of all kinds of facts and understanding obtained through learning, research, and observation. Information sharing is the voluntary exchange of information with each other in line with the realization of certain goals of the individual, organization and society, and the acceptance of existing information between two voluntary departments through interaction and communication. Based on information sharing, it is crucial that information emerges from a certain source and that the information obtained reaches its purpose. Detailed information sharing has advantages over society and states during the global pandemic. With the support of the shared information society, it can create mechanisms for the cooperation of different segments and the continuation of life in different ways. Sharing information effectively and transparently during the pandemic process increases trust between states and society while increasing compliance with the measures and measures taken in line with the shared information, and thus, the process is better managed. Also, the accuracy of information sharing during and after the pandemic, during and after vaccination, and the methods chosen for this sharing are crucial. Therefore, during COVID-19, different approaches and methods were followed worldwide and in Turkey for sharing information about the pandemic process and states also began to share information through government Covid-19 web portals. This study aimed to analyze the information-sharing approaches in governments’ Covid-19 web portals followed during the pandemic.