A Qualitative Analysis of Green Purchasing Behavior and Green Policy Building Recommendations Based on the Comparison of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkey
Shynar Aldazhumanova, Zakariyya VakılovThis qualitative research attempts to increase the potential of the trade in green goods segment in the markets of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkey as well as finding the factors affecting purchasing intention of consumers towards green products. The green marketing concept proposed that such factors as green product price, green product quality, green advertisement, eco-labeling and packaging, environmental concern and green awareness affect the willingness of consumers to purchase environmentally friendly products. The research has been conducted in the form of semi-structured in-depth interviews with 25 participants from the three mentioned countries, identifying main factors affecting green purchase intention and comparing them with those found in the literature. The findings have been categorized separately for each country and the comparison of the countries with the similarities and differences across each factor was performed. Results of the analysis revealed that each of the factors had an influence on green purchase intention of consumers across three countries. Moreover, challenges and recommendations shared across the countries with regard to popularizing green market have been presented. In this way, besides contributing to the literature, it will assist policymakers in formulating and employing strategies to persuade eco-friendly purchasing, and it will give an opportunity for marketers to generate proper marketing strategies for drawing in clients and guaranteeing ideal sales.
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