DOI :10.26650/B/AA09.2021.007.10   IUP :10.26650/B/AA09.2021.007.10    Tam Metin (PDF)

Official Music Academies in the Ottoman State

Erhan ÖzdenMilad Salmani

The schools that began to be opened following the promulgation of the Tamzimat were important due to their being first modern schools. The music schools that were among these foundations led to fundamental changes in the old music education system that had been applied since the 14th century. These schools, which applied Western Conservatories’ methods, and the system can be seen as a bridge between the old music education system and the current system. We should examine the music schools that depended on the Ottoman Education Ministry under two titles. These are public music schools and music communities. The educational models of these foundations were very similar, but student models were very different. This article mainly examines official public music schools. Additionally, this focuses on the role of politics in the reform of music education.


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