Türk Mahkemeleri Yabancı Ortak Velayet Kararlarını Tenfiz Etmeye Başladı Mı?Cahit AğaoğluDOI :10.26650/annales.2022.71.0001Araştırma MakalesienS. 1-261921 Anayasası ve İlerisi: 100 Yılın Ardından Esinlenmeler Mümkün Mü?Nilay Arat, Aslı TopukçuDOI :10.26650/annales.2022.71.0006Araştırma MakalesienS. 27-39Facebook Decision of the Berlin District Court: Does the use of Unfair Terms Constitute Unfair Competition?Elif Beyza Akkanat ÖztürkDOI :10.26650/annales.2022.71.0016Araştırma MakalesienS. 41-49Transforming the Judiciary into the Proxies of The Rulers: The Hagia Sophia CaseBarış Bahçeci, Serkan YolcuDOI :10.26650/annales.2022.71.0008Araştırma MakalesienS. 51-62Incorporation of Standard Risk Exclusion Clauses into Insurance Contract (A Comparative Analysis with the Provisions of PEICL and Turkish Law)Aslıhan Erbaş AçıkelDOI :10.26650/annales.2022.71.0013Araştırma MakalesienS. 63-97Violation of the Right to A Fair Trial in Arbitration: Analysing the Turkish Court of Cassation’s Decision of 10 February 2021Emre EsenDOI :10.26650/annales.2022.71.0003Araştırma MakalesienS. 99-117Transformation From Soft Law to Hard Law of International Environmental Protection: Process, Basic Concepts and Principles – Part 1: “Common Heritage of Mankind”, “Present and Future Generations”, “Inter/Intra-generational Equity” and “Sustainable Development”Mehmet Semih GemalmazDOI :10.26650/annales.2022.71.0011Araştırma MakalesienS. 119-219Droits et libertés fondamentaux du citoyen-salarié en droit du travailAli Güzel, Deniz Ugan Çatalkaya, Hande HeperDOI :10.26650/annales.2022.71.0012Araştırma MakalesifrS. 221-263European Union Law and Mitigation of Artificial Intelligence-Related Discrimination Risks in the Private Sector: With Special Focus on the Proposed Artificial Intelligence ActSalih Tayfun İnceDOI :10.26650/annales.2022.71.0002Araştırma MakalesienS. 265-307Contractual Performance Facing Covid-19: A Comparative AnalysisZafer KahramanDOI :10.26650/annales.2022.71.0004Araştırma MakalesienS. 309-348Performance of Characteristic Obligation in Multiple Places under Brussels I Recast Article 7(1)(b): Legal Certainty and Predictability over “a Close Connection”Banu Şit KöşgeroğluDOI :10.26650/annales.2022.71.0005Araştırma MakalesienS. 349-390Künstliche Intelligenz und der Rechtsbegriff der Person Überlegungen zum Fall ArgentinienHelga Maria LellDOI :10.26650/annales.2022.71.0014Araştırma MakalesideS. 391-411Aggravated Migrant Smuggling in a Transit Migration Context, Criminal Victimization under ECtHR Positive Obligations Case LawRoxane De Massol De Rebetz, Pınar ÖlçerDOI :10.26650/annales.2022.71.0009Araştırma MakalesienS. 413-480Recent Developments on the Question of Religion Courses: An Analysis of a Turkish Constitutional Courts’s Decision in 2022Tolga ŞirinDOI :10.26650/annales.2022.71.0007Araştırma MakalesienS. 481-496Pushback of Refugees Under International Law: A Conceptual AnalysisEkin Deniz UzunDOI :10.26650/annales.2022.71.0015Araştırma MakalesienS. 497-538Can Rawls’ Theory of Distributive Justice Become a Cure for Poverty?Ülker YükselbabaDOI :10.26650/annales.2022.71.0010Araştırma MakalesienS. 539-565