Araştırma Makalesi

DOI :10.26650/eor.20231076495   IUP :10.26650/eor.20231076495    Tam Metin (PDF)

Evaluation of shade matching in the repair of indirect restorative materials with universal shade composites

Büşra Karabulut GençerEzgi AcarBilge Tarçın

Purpose To evaluate color differences in repair of indirect ceramic and resin nanoceramic CAD/CAM blocks with two universal shade composites after different surface preparations. Materials and Methods 120 samples were prepared from IPS Empress and GC Cerasmart270 CAD/ CAM blocks and thermocycled (5000 cycles, 5°C–55°C). Initial colors of sample surfaces were measured using a spectrophotometer. Rectangular prism-shaped cavities were prepared and repaired with Tokuyama Universal Bond/Omnichroma and G-Multiprimer/G-Premio/Essentia Universal following surface preparation with aluminum oxide, Cojet, and bioactive glass (Sylc). Repaired samples were thermocycled (5000 cycles) and color measurement was performed. Color coordinates L*a*b* were recorded, and color differences were calculated using the CIELab formula. Color differences between pre-and post-repair (∆E1) and between post-repair and post-aging (∆E2) were determined. Data were analyzed using Three-way ANOVA with a significance level set at p<0.05. Results ∆E1 values in all subgroups exceeded the threshold of 3.3. No significant difference was found between the surface preparation processes regarding ∆E1 values. There was no significant difference between the composites and bonding agents in ∆E1 values, except for Cerasmart/Sylc and Empress/Sylc groups. No statistically significant difference was detected in ∆E2 values between the surface preparation treatments in all groups. (p>0.05). Conclusion Color match of the universal shade composites, which are preferred to increase the esthetic satisfaction and to simplify repair procedures, were found above the acceptable threshold. Post-aging color stability of universal shade composites was below the acceptable threshold.

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Karabulut Gençer, B., Acar, E., & Tarçın, B. (2023). Evaluation of shade matching in the repair of indirect restorative materials with universal shade composites. European Oral Research, 57(1), 41-48.


Karabulut Gençer B, Acar E, Tarçın B. Evaluation of shade matching in the repair of indirect restorative materials with universal shade composites. European Oral Research. 2023;57(1):41-48.


Karabulut Gençer, B.; Acar, E.; Tarçın, B. Evaluation of shade matching in the repair of indirect restorative materials with universal shade composites. European Oral Research, [Publisher Location], v. 57, n. 1, p. 41-48, 2023.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Karabulut Gençer, Büşra, and Ezgi Acar and Bilge Tarçın. 2023. “Evaluation of shade matching in the repair of indirect restorative materials with universal shade composites.” European Oral Research 57, no. 1: 41-48.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Karabulut Gençer, Büşra, and Ezgi Acar and Bilge Tarçın. Evaluation of shade matching in the repair of indirect restorative materials with universal shade composites.” European Oral Research 57, no. 1 (Jan. 2025): 41-48.

Harvard: Australian Style

Karabulut Gençer, B & Acar, E & Tarçın, B 2023, 'Evaluation of shade matching in the repair of indirect restorative materials with universal shade composites', European Oral Research, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 41-48, viewed 19 Jan. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Karabulut Gençer, B. and Acar, E. and Tarçın, B. (2023) ‘Evaluation of shade matching in the repair of indirect restorative materials with universal shade composites’, European Oral Research, 57(1), pp. 41-48. (19 Jan. 2025).


Karabulut Gençer, Büşra, and Ezgi Acar and Bilge Tarçın. Evaluation of shade matching in the repair of indirect restorative materials with universal shade composites.” European Oral Research, vol. 57, no. 1, 2023, pp. 41-48. [Database Container],


Karabulut Gençer B, Acar E, Tarçın B. Evaluation of shade matching in the repair of indirect restorative materials with universal shade composites. European Oral Research [Internet]. 19 Jan. 2025 [cited 19 Jan. 2025];57(1):41-48. Available from: doi: 10.26650/eor.20231076495


Karabulut Gençer, Büşra - Acar, Ezgi - Tarçın, Bilge. Evaluation of shade matching in the repair of indirect restorative materials with universal shade composites”. European Oral Research 57/1 (Jan. 2025): 41-48.


Çevrimiçi Yayınlanma31.01.2023


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