DOI :10.26650/B/SS07.2021.002.10   IUP :10.26650/B/SS07.2021.002.10    Full Text (PDF)

An Assessment Based on the Siege of Digital Labor and Generation Z

Damla Tosyalıoğlu Akar

Developments in Internet technologies and the emergence of new media environments have significantly transformed the concept of audience. New media users have become not only users, but also prosumers contributing to the production cycle in the new media environment. The increase in such content contributed by users to the production process has also led to a proliferation of user data circulating in the new media environment. Marketing of such data to advertisers, which is extremely easy to control, necessitates rethinking the developments in communication technologies within capitalist relations of production. This study, which aimed to address users’ participation in the new media environment from a “digital labor” perspective, aimed to read the siege of digital labor through Generation Z, which was born into new technologies, and uses these technologies in the most intensive way. In line with this aim, 12 people selected through the convenience sampling technique were interviewed and the data collected were analyzed through a descriptive approach. The results obtained at the end of the study showed that while the participants were close to identifying their activities in the new media in the form of content creation and time spent on labor, they did not consider themselves digital workers. The participants’ emotional motivations and social expectations were found to be more effective in their content creation and contribution to the content created.


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